An Alternative to CD Architect for XP users!

brokenrecords wrote on 9/2/2002, 9:53 PM
Check it out, I found something that does what CDA does and works with XP!
Cakewalk Pyro 2003 is the complete system for playing, organizing, editing, and enjoying your favorite music. Whether you want to make MP3s, burn and share mix CDs of your favorite music, digitize and clean up your old LPs or cassettes, or archive important data files, Pyro does it all!

Click and drag to arrange and edit song start times, overlay and crossfade tracks to create smooth transitions between songs or your own megamix. Then EQ tracks to get the perfect sound for your listening environment; even clean audio to remove clicks, pops, hiss, and hum.

Sequence your audio CDs using a list or waveform timeline
Control volume and fade times for each track
Cross-fade tracks together to create smooth transitions & remixes
Features real-time waveform preview
Audio recording with auto-timer. Perfect for recording LPs or internet radio
Split long audio files into separate tracks
Clean hiss, hum, and other annoyances from LPs, cassettes, and low-quality MP3s
Tweak audio with the included 5 band, 64-bit EQ
Archive your valuable files to data CD


Geoff_Wood wrote on 9/3/2002, 2:59 AM
I have CD-A working quite happily under XP, with my 'unsupported' CD-RW drive and all. You need to select "Win98SE/Me Compatibility Mode" on your shortcut properties.

And I really wouldn't be surprised if SF re-released CD-A soon. They must have noticed the vociferous demands of their loyal customers.
spydakb wrote on 9/3/2002, 12:40 PM works OK...but I wish I could burn at speeds other than MAX....otherwise it is useless to me for creating disks to be replicated. And I'm sorry but VV3 seems a bit to cumbersome to me as a replacement for CDA.

- KB
brokenrecords wrote on 9/13/2002, 6:16 AM
Hey folks, this program works just like CDA, excpet it works without having to rig this or rig that, plus in my opinion, it looks a heck of a lot better and is easier to use. Plus, its only $25.00!!!!
ramallo wrote on 9/13/2002, 10:45 AM

I don't find any technical dates on the Pyro website, Pyro can write ISRC codes (Like CDA)?.

SeanC wrote on 9/14/2002, 10:57 PM
can anyone let me know if it allows direct x plugins on the burn?

I'm ready...if this thing does what CDA used to do, I'd gladly pay $25 today for it.

peahix wrote on 9/18/2002, 1:47 PM
i guess the main thing i would miss is the ability to convert sound forge regions into track markers in cd architect. very often i'll have one large file, over which i place track markers at the appropriate spots. i like to do this in sound forge using markers/regions, because i can get much more accurate with where i'm placing them. then it's simply a matter of importing them into cd arch as tracks.

i'm assuming pyro doesn't have support for sf regions...?

otherwise it looks like a pretty good replacement, especially for the money...

pknetguy wrote on 9/23/2002, 11:08 PM
hi all,

i'm a dj and i used to use cda to track huge audio files that are 600 MB in size...i'm wondering, has anyone here been able to find a cda replacement that allows someone to do this?


i've read the descriptions for nero, pyro and wavelab, and none describe the ability to do this single function.
Blackout wrote on 9/24/2002, 4:44 AM
pk, what do you mean "track" large files ? lots of burning programs can burn 600mb size audio assuming your grooves are "smokin" too?
inspector wrote on 9/24/2002, 10:16 AM
check out CDWAVE at

You can open your 600 MB file and place splits where ever you want and save as separate wave files...burn DAO and have no pauses or breaks in the music.
I have used the program and am not affiliated with the author.

pknetguy wrote on 9/24/2002, 4:05 PM

i could break up the wav file in sound forge too...but i dont want to do any destructive editing...

got to be another app out there that did things the way cda did...
pknetguy wrote on 9/24/2002, 4:07 PM
what i mean by tracking files is to mark the different songs in a continuous wav file without cutting it up into pieces.
inspector wrote on 9/27/2002, 1:33 PM
If you are concerned about harming your original don't be. It does not destroy your original file. It writes individual .wav files corresponding to where you mark the splits leaving the original intact.

From the help file: "...The program always cuts on 588 sample borders, so two adjacent songs will have no clicks in between."

It works, I've used it but don't currently as I have Vegas. If you register cdwav it cost $15. You can use a $15 workaround that achives the same results you would get if you pay $379 for Vegas at

inspector wrote on 9/27/2002, 1:52 PM
From the Nero manual:available on their website. Note that the track is split not the file itself. Nero, by default" adds the redbook 2 second gap between tracks. This gap can be removed from all tracks except track one. I have not used this function in Nero but how it works follows.

"The Split button splits the audio track at the selected position, i.e. the track is
physically split and becomes two (or more) tracks. These split tracks behave
just like two independent tracks, so they can be named and the pause
between them can be specified."

"Very long audio tracks can be split so that specific passages within the track can
be triggered directly and/or become a separate track in their own right Long
audio tracks are created, for example, when copying from record to hard disk,
and they can be split before they are burned.
1. Double click the required track in the audio compilation and click the
Indexes, Limits, Split tab.
2. Select the position where you want to split the track.
3. Click the Split button.
4. Click OK to close the window and confirm that you really want to split the
Please also refer to the chapter: 'Indexes, Limits, Split' tab."
