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Subject:Ingeniousity award to SOFO for amazing Acid 4 and for forthcoming 4.0a
Posted by: skysurfer
Date:9/12/2002 2:31:56 AM

Hi everybody,

After suffering so long with programs like Logic Audio and Cubase, A4 is a real relief. A4 amazes me day by day and the more i mork with it, the more i like the concept , GUI and the workflow (also with Forge and Vegas).

Put there in vsti tempo sync and some debugging (asio +render to wav +some midi improvements) (version 4.0a) and its a real dream. (I dont dare thinking what SOFO will put in future versions, imagine 4.0 is only the beginning)

Effects automation works like a charm, the audio fidelity is much better than 3.0, OPT is promising.... the list is long.

Acid has become an extremly powerful application with a bright future.

Thanks to all the people at SOFO. (especially the masterminds behind A4)

Subject:RE: Ingeniousity award to SOFO for amazing Acid 4 and for forthcoming 4.0a
Reply by: inspector
Date:9/12/2002 10:05:54 AM

What in the world does ingeniousity mean? Are you talking about ingenuity?


Subject:RE: Ingeniousity award to SOFO for amazing Acid 4 and for forthcoming 4.0a
Reply by: skysurfer
Date:9/12/2002 10:31:19 AM

I am so "ingenious" that i just invented a new word - LOL

Of course i ment ingenuity.

Subject:RE: Ingeniousity award to SOFO for amazing Acid 4 and for forthcoming 4.0a
Reply by: MyST
Date:9/12/2002 10:37:56 AM

"the audio fidelity is much better than 3.0"

People keep mentioning this, but I can't seem to find anywhere in the 4.0 product description that Acid has an improved audio engine.
Am I missing something?


Subject:RE: Ingeniousity award to SOFO for amazing Acid 4 and for forthcoming 4.0a
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:9/12/2002 12:58:57 PM

I think there was a blurb mentioned about how the Beatmapper's audio fidelity when stretching is better, but based on my observations, ACID 4.0's audio engine is better all around than ACID 3.0's. Projects are brighter and more defined and not as muddy. The thought struck me when I first played a project in 4.0 that was originally done in 3.0.


Subject:RE: Ingeniousity award to SOFO for amazing Acid 4 and for forthcoming 4.0a
Reply by: Maruuk
Date:9/12/2002 1:11:19 PM

At the time of release, before the catalog, one of the SOFO forum guard tossed out "improved audio performance" as one of the new features. But SOFO has since dropped this, you can't find any mention of it. 4.0 now joins the Shroud of Turin and the Miracle at Lourdes as one of the great articles of faith demonstrating once again that divine things are truly in "the eye of the beholder".

Subject:RE: Ingeniousity award to SOFO for amazing Acid 4 and for forthcoming 4.0a
Reply by: MyST
Date:9/12/2002 1:23:38 PM

"The thought struck me when I first played a project in 4.0 that was originally done in 3.0."

So, this basically confirms that 3.0 creates clean projects, but maybe doesn't play them back realistically. If it sounds better in 4.0, then it has a better sound than what is being played back in 3.0.
What I'm getting at is, 4.0 doesn't create better sounding projects than 3.0, but it does play them back more accurately.
Would that be a fair assumption?


Subject:RE: Ingeniousity award to SOFO for amazing Acid 4 and for forthcoming 4.0a
Reply by: nlamartina
Date:9/12/2002 1:33:55 PM


Even if it played it back more accurately, that could still translate to better-sounding mixes. I too noticed (either because they specifically tweaked something inside the engine, or because it's just handling audio better, or because ASIO sounds different than MME) that the output of Acid 4 with my current setup is cleaner and more punchy, in my opinion. I noticed this, as Iacobus did, when I loaded a project in 4 that was created in 3. Mind you it's subtle, but shouldn't all auditory enhancements be that way? I think so.


Subject:RE: Ingeniousity award to SOFO for amazing Acid 4 and for forthcoming 4.0a
Reply by: MyST
Date:9/12/2002 1:50:21 PM

"Even if it played it back more accurately, that could still translate to better-sounding mixes."

Definitely! You wouldn't unknowingly compensate for "muddy" mixes. That is if your doing your final tweaks in Acid. But (there's always a but, isn't there?), if you export your mix to Sound Forge or Vegas for finalizing, is there still a difference in sound quality?
Is the playback quality in AP4.0 more accurate than SF6.0, VV3?
This is for my info; I'm not trying to argue my point. On the contrary, you guys are very helpful!



Subject:RE: Ingeniousity award to SOFO for amazing Acid 4 and for forthcoming 4.0a
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:9/13/2002 4:36:21 PM

I would think that Sound Forge and Vegas take the audio "as it is", i.e., not add anything extraneously to the file or subtract from it for that matter (especially in Sound Forge, as it's important to hear the file in its purest form possible).

Based on my testing, renders from ACID 4.0 that were brought into Sound Forge sound spot on as they did during playback in ACID 4.0.


Subject:RE: Ingeniousity award to SOFO for amazing Acid 4 and for forthcoming 4.0a
Reply by: stusy
Date:9/13/2002 4:53:10 PM

Certainly what I was lookin for folks..! a smooth, EASY tree from acid 4 (and sonar131) to SF6 to VV3, and no need to be a rocket scientist, or a soft synth guru..

Subject:RE: Ingeniousity award to SOFO for amazing Acid 4 and for forthcoming 4.0a
Reply by: stusy
Date:9/13/2002 9:55:33 PM

Oh...uh, when's 4.0a comin out...?

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