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Subject:If you have ANY religion, please HELP!!!!
Posted by: munkittrick
Date:9/9/2002 10:47:40 PM

Guys, I posted the lock-up problem much earlier today and have still found no rememdy. Please offer any suggestions you might have as to why this thing keeps locking up on open. If you need a detailed description of what is going on, please read the other post, but here's the bones of it.

I loaded Sound Forge 6.0a up after getting tired of XP's limitations. I've used 6.0a for about 6 months and near flawlessly. I had a glitch in another program while using a SF DirectX plug-in and the whole machine went down like a virgin on prom night.

After a fresh reboot, I attempted to restart SF6, and it wouldn't. It goes all the way to the "post" screen and freezes indefinately. I followed the advice of a friend who told me to uninstall everything associated with SF6 nd reinstall. Well, that didn't help as no I'm right back where I was but with a whole lot of installs and uninstalls.

Please, for the love of God, help me figure out what is going on with this thing.


Subject:RE: If you have ANY religion, please HELP!!!!
Reply by: MyST
Date:9/10/2002 5:17:57 AM

I have NO idea if this would work, but hey, it's a suggestion.
Did you try uninstalling SoundForge AND Premiere?
I would try uninstalling both, then install SF and see if it still freezes.
Maybe a defrag between uninstall and re-install.


Subject:RE: If you have ANY religion, please HELP!!!!
Reply by: munkittrick
Date:9/10/2002 7:33:49 AM

I didn't try the defrag, but the uninstall of both Adobe Premiere and Sound Forge was completed and the registry was cleaned up afterwards both manually and by Norton Clean Sweep.....This morning, it still will not start-up without locking-up on the post screen....I'll attemp the defrag right after I get this stuff uninstalled once again. Thanks for your response.


Subject:RE: If you have ANY religion, please HELP!!!!
Reply by: MyST
Date:9/10/2002 7:50:08 AM

Make sure you only install SF to see what happens. If it's freezing at the post screen, that's when it scans for plug-ins, isn't it?
Maybe the plug-ins are now associated with Adobe, the filepath might have been altered for the plug-ins and it's causing SF to crash. Maybe a re-install of the plug-ins would be a good move.
This is just an uneducated guess, it's not my forte, but since nobody else is stepping up to the plate...


Subject:RE: If you have ANY religion, please HELP!!!!
Reply by: munkittrick
Date:9/10/2002 8:24:44 AM

Hey man. I'm on the edge and willingto try anything short of pudding in the CD-ROM at this point so anything you bring is better than swiping my HD and rebuilding what is otherwise a perfect working machine.

As for the plug-ins, I didn't think about it then, but the day before it went bonkers, I did try to install a few of my old VST plugs from Steinberg. I wonder ifthey wrote something to the registry that set her squirelly. Do you think that is possible even though they were installed separately from the SF application?

Thanks again,

PS- Defrag's a no-go. Didn't budge.....

Subject:RE: If you have ANY religion, please HELP!!!!
Reply by: MyST
Date:9/10/2002 9:06:20 AM

"but the day before it went bonkers, I did try..." famous last words. :)

I would give SF tech support a try at this point. VST effects aren't supported by SF products I don't think, so who knows.

Also, does your OS have a "system restore" option? Maybe restoring to an earlier date might help.

That's all I can think of.

Subject:RE: If you have ANY religion, please HELP!!!!
Reply by: munkittrick
Date:9/10/2002 11:09:01 AM

Thanks for your time. I'll try support when I get a few free minutes.


Subject:RE: If you have ANY religion, please HELP!!!!
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:9/10/2002 3:04:00 PM

Sound Forge's latest release is v6.0b. Try downloading the latest version and installing it.

Subject:RE: If you have ANY religion, please HELP!!!!
Reply by: munkittrick
Date:9/10/2002 6:42:47 PM

Apparently, it has to do with the VST plug-ins I wanted to use with SF. I didn't install them into the Sound Forge folder but I think she was trying to reference them...however, even after uninstalling nearly everything, it still won't load....


Subject:RE: If you have ANY religion, please HELP!!!!
Reply by: Sonic
Date:9/11/2002 9:12:16 AM

Sound Forge only enumerates DirectShow plug-ins. You can take a look at the plug-ins Sound Forge has to test as valid with a little app called DXMan from AnalogX available here:

Might be useful in spotting a naughty one and unregistering it. DirectShow plug-ins are COM objects that are registered in system-wide registry locations. They aren't all effects plug-ins since the DirectShow architecture can support other tasks. You should be able to safely register and unregister any .dll containing a DirectShow plug-in, with the obvious possibility of losing its functionality. But you should back up your registry before playing with it.

VST plug-ins are not registered like DirectShow plug-ins, and Sound Forge doesn't look for them. So I think it more likely that you have some non-audio filter, VST wrapper, or hybrid (e.g. DXi) that is barking when we poke it.


Subject:RE: If you have ANY religion, please HELP!!!!
Reply by: sonicboom
Date:9/12/2002 8:28:46 AM

why don't you just fromat your computer?
wipe everything out
since you tried system restore--next step would be format the whole enchilada
stuff like this can be frustrating---just format (depending on how big your hard drive is) could be a few hours and you're done
clean slate
good luck

Subject:RE: If you have ANY religion, please HELP!!!!
Reply by: munkittrick
Date:9/12/2002 10:48:15 AM

That's what we're trying to avoid. The last time we formated our system drive, it was a two day proposition as there is an extensive network and video sub-system that needs to be in place before we can begin the reinstall. We have 38 programs each with its own plugins and one of those with 402 plugins that are installed from individual CDs. I'd love to find an idea of how to fix it withoutgoing this route or at the very least figure out precicely what caused it so we don't do it again in a few weeks.


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