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Subject:clicking and popping noises in my recordings
Posted by: judsont
Date:9/7/2002 10:21:35 PM

I run my audio through a mackie 32.8 console into a sb extigy with sf 6.0
I use 6.0 to master.
I am getting popping sounds randomly in my audio. why?????
My levels are recording around -0.5 to -1.0
Usually more aparant on acoustic(quieter recordings)

Subject:RE: clicking and popping noises in my recordings
Reply by: jues
Date:9/10/2002 9:43:01 AM

SB Extigy you say? That's a USB Device is it not?

USB Devices are a bit of a nightmare (tell me about it - I'm doing my Band's EP using one!) - if the card does not have the maximun amount of bandwidth avaliable to it while streaming or recording audio you will get glitches where it drops samples - these can be corrected by interploating the damaged peaks - but that's only gonna work on simple waveforms (eg: bass). You can try a pop / click eliminator DX Plugin - but these usually don't totally get rid of said artifacts.

I know how you feel - I use an M-Audio Quattro which will randomly throw in glitches every so often on a recording rendering that take useless.

For more information and some useful hints and tips, check out

Sorry I couldn't be more positive :(

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