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Subject:monitoring while recording MIDI
Posted by: androgyne
Date:9/3/2002 1:56:33 PM

Has anyone else noticed that you cannot monitor your input when recording from an external sound module into Acid 4.0? You can only hear playback after you record it. In other words there is no MIDI ECHO feature, such as in SONAR which sends the MIDI IN message back out to the MIDI outputs while recording so you can hear the sound you module is producing in real time.
Too bad...this keeps this upgrade from being a total MIDI app and eliminate the use of other programs such as SONAR to record MIDI.
Any plans to add this feature down the road??

Subject:RE: monitoring while recording MIDI
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:9/3/2002 2:41:38 PM

You should be able to route incoming MIDI to a MIDI Thru device after going to Options>Preferences on the menu bar and then the MIDI tab. Specify a MIDI playback device and a MIDI input device, then right-click the MIDI input's "MIDI Thru To" and choose an appropriate output. Then go to record and use the "MIDI Thru" option to monitor what you're recording.


Subject:RE: monitoring while recording MIDI
Reply by: SonyNateM
Date:9/3/2002 2:47:27 PM


You can set up your MIDI Thru routing in the MIDI tab of the ACID preferences. This will do exactly as you describe and allow you listen to your module in real-time while you record.

Simply open ACID, go to Options>Preferences>MIDI, enable the inputs and outputs you wish ACID to use, then right-click in the MIDI Thru To or MIDI Thru From columns to set your routing. Afterwards, you will see your outputs available in the MIDI Thru menu in the Record dialog.


Subject:RE: monitoring while recording MIDI
Reply by: androgyne
Date:9/5/2002 7:06:40 PM

thanks you guys!....I'm a little sad to say that I only made a posting here after I called tech support and they told me there was no fix...bummer. Wish I had the name of the tech so I could get him filled in. THANKS SO MUCH for the tip!

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