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Subject:Ahead CD burning softwares (Nero or Feurio?)
Posted by: JTelles
Date:7/10/2002 11:09:24 AM

While checking the Ahead homepage for NERO updates I noticed they have another CD burning software "Feurio" which is designed for AUDIO cds only...
Anyone has had any experience with this Feurio software?

Subject:RE: Ahead CD burning softwares (Nero or Feurio?)
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:7/10/2002 1:42:54 PM

Yes, I've used both. Feurio, originally had the intention to be able to support multiple burners for the use of duplicating audio CD's. Nero originally didn't have this feature to support multiple burners at once. Since version 5.0 of Nero, they have added this option to support multiple CD burner writes. Since 5.0 I've used Nero exclusively, because it supports all the formats and allows for multi burners at once. Feurio is now just a bare bone multi-burner audio CD duplicator software.

Bottom line, Go with Nero.

Subject:RE: Ahead CD burning softwares (Nero or Feurio?)
Reply by: JTelles
Date:7/10/2002 2:56:50 PM

Good to know..I'll stick with Nero

Subject:RE: Ahead CD burning softwares (Nero or Feurio?)
Reply by: feldon23
Date:9/4/2002 10:38:42 PM

I'd be a bigger fan of Nero if it did not incessantly add 2 second postgaps to every track. Every time you burn an audio CD, you have to go in and change the gaps on tracks 2-x to 0.

I don't care about redbook compliance. The fact of the matter is, EasyCD Pro (Yes, the Windows 95 version!) did not have this problem. You told it once that you wanted no postgaps and it remembered for years.

Subject:RE: Ahead CD burning softwares (Nero or Feurio?)
Reply by: fosko
Date:9/5/2002 11:34:58 AM

I checked the AHEAD page the other day... about multiple burners.

My understanding is. YES Nero supports multiple CD Burners, but the basic program only supports 2 burners. You have to buy add-ons;
$249 supports up to 7 burners
$499 supports up to 32 burners

Subject:RE: Ahead CD burning softwares (Nero or Feurio?)
Reply by: shaunn
Date:9/8/2002 9:07:07 AM

I have nero and as much as I like it, paying additional money for multiple burner plug-in irritates me...well their program is pretty cheap for what it gives though...

I had a friend who asked me to find out about multiple burning capabilities so i told him to get recordmax 4.0 from
45$ for the capability to use 32? burners (he has 4) at the same time...i used it for a couple of weeks and it's very reliable.

Subject:RE: Ahead CD burning softwares (Nero or Feurio?)
Reply by: fosko
Date:9/9/2002 12:13:07 PM

Yeah Shaun, I feel the same way.

For that $$ I think you could invest in a stand alone CD burner. I saw one somethere 4 burneres in the $300 range.

I'm also wondering...what kind of strain does 7 burners put on your CPU ??

Subject:RE: Ahead CD burning softwares (Nero or Feurio?)
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:9/9/2002 1:10:40 PM

My gut feeling is that the same data is sent to all the burners at once so there shouldn't be too much additional strain on the CPU. For that matter, the computer can handle data much faster than the burners can write it anyway. My concern would be how much strain 7 burners would put on the power supply. Ouch.

Subject:RE: Ahead CD burning softwares (Nero or Feurio?)
Reply by: oconned
Date:9/9/2002 1:38:25 PM

I totally agree about the 2 second gap Nero adds to
every track without a "Preference" that can be changed.

Subject:RE: Ahead CD burning softwares (Nero or Feurio?)
Reply by: fosko
Date:9/9/2002 1:42:48 PM

Maybe I'm misunderstanding...
I wrote some CDs this weekend from a LIVE recording and put 0 seconds betweeen tracks so that there was a flow if you wanted to listen to the CD in its entirety . .or you can scan to as specific track.

Is that what you are talking about ??

Subject:RE: Ahead CD burning softwares (Nero or Feurio?)
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:9/9/2002 1:43:05 PM

You have room in your tower to fit 7 burners? I'm running an external CDrom tower with 7 burners, which is SCSI and the tower has it's own power supply. SCSI has little load on the CPU, because everything is handled on the SCSI bus through the SCSI adapter, unlike IDE. I'm using Nero. I had a friend use a similar setup and ran 24 burners on one PC using Feurio. He had 3 SCSI cards, with 8 burners on each, and was able to burn 24 disks at once at 8X.

Subject:RE: Ahead CD burning softwares (Nero or Feurio?)
Reply by: feldon23
Date:9/9/2002 4:13:41 PM

Maybe I'm misunderstanding...
I wrote some CDs this weekend from a LIVE recording and put 0 seconds betweeen tracks so that there was a flow if you wanted to listen to the CD in its entirety . .or you can scan to as specific track.

You must remember to change the setting to 0 second pregaps every time. WHY? Why does Nero contaminate the WAV files I provide it by automatically wanting to add 2 second pregaps which were neither asked for nor needed?

I have dragged enough WAV files to just barely fill a 74 minute CD but with the pregaps, the disc overran and I had to start over.

The point is, Nero's software unacceptably adds 2 second pregaps which should not be there. You have to remember for every CD you burn to select tracks 2-N and set pregap to 0. It is extremely annoying.

Easy CD Pro which came out in 1996 lets you set 0 sec default pregaps. Why does Nero version 5.5.x.x which is out in 2002 still not have this ability?

Subject:RE: Ahead CD burning softwares (Nero or Feurio?)
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:9/9/2002 5:02:52 PM

Why are you asking this on a Sonic Foundry forum, instead of WWW.NERO.COM. I don't believe the people from Nero/Ahead software, look for product suggestions in this forum. I agree, that it would be nice to be able to set a default spacing other than the 2 seconds. It isn't that difficult to change the 2 second gap. Just right click on the first track, and do a "Select ALL", then right click on the first track again, and select "Properties". Then under the "Pause" section, set this to "0" seconds instead of the default "2". It took me a total of 4 mouse clicks and 2 seconds to do this. If cheezy CD creator, works better for you, then use that and quit complaining in this forum, where it doesn't matter anyways.....or read the manual and learn how to use the software. For what you're doing, alls you have to do is drop your entire file into Nero, and then Add CD Tracks at any place you wish by double clicking on the file and using the "Indexs, Limits, Splits" tab and you can freely drag Track markers and add Track Markers anywhere you wish in the file and the spacing defaults to "0" seconds. Why doesn't Cheezy CD Creator have this option????

Why doesn't Cheezy CD creator support multiple burners? Why doesn't Cheezy CD creator have an audio editor built into it? Why doesn't Cheezy CD creator allow you to add things like reverb, or Flange, or Delay, or do Time Compression? Why doesn't Cheezy CD creator have a DC offset function, or a Noise reduction option? Why doesn't Cheezy CD creator allow you to do Fades? Why doesn't Cheezy CD creator have a stereo widener option? Why doesn't Cheezy CD creator allow you to move and ADD Track IDs around and place them where ever in the wave file you wish?

The answer, is because Nero is more a professional piece of software, which assumes you have some audio knowledge and Cheezy CD creator is a program for the average Joe Smoe that wants to burn an audio CD quickly and easily.

I found all these items in Nero and never had to even read the manual, but you might want to read it before doing anymore complaining, because obviously the ease of use isn't as clear for everyone.

Subject:RE: Ahead CD burning softwares (Nero or Feurio?)
Reply by: fosko
Date:9/10/2002 11:24:38 AM

I'd like some fries and a shake with that cheese.

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