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Subject:BMP based Mixing
Posted by: MixManiac
Date:9/2/2002 11:27:40 AM


I have a BMP problem with several of my MP3 tracks. What can I do, if the BMP changes whitin Track, or the BMP is not constant. It's very hard to Mix such Tracks together with the correct Beats. I have this Problem for example with Track witch I have recorders from a vinil turntable.

Maybe there is a plugin or a tool that applies the same bmp for the hole track?

Thanks for any help....


Subject:RE: BMP based Mixing
Reply by: sonicboom
Date:9/2/2002 12:21:45 PM

first of all, i like you -- you're a worse speller than me!!! vinil??!!
that's hard to find
anyway, answer to your question--i have no clue
but i think you have to go to sound forge and stretch many different parts of your track to correspond to the correct bmp
in othe words, different measures of different parts of the song are faster than others--so you have to manually stretch to make them even.
then they will line up
i am new to this, but i think that is what you have to do
how you do this -- i have no idea
i haven't read the sound forge manual yet
good luck

Subject:RE: BMP based Mixing
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:9/2/2002 9:02:35 PM

Please check out this excellent post from Joel at SoFo. It just may help you out.


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