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Subject:encoding mp3 question
Posted by: mike_harper
Date:8/13/2002 1:44:16 AM

lets say i have a 24 bit 48khz wav . is it better to
1.resample to 44k
2. change the bit rate to 16
3. then save as a mp3? ( my goal is 128 kb)

1 just save as a mp3 at 128kb
does it matter??
any other suggesttions are greatly appreciated

Subject:RE: encoding mp3 question
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:8/13/2002 5:39:23 AM

I would do it in one step. Sound Forge will make all the necessary conversions for you as it encodes. Doing a two step conversion will only introduce more errors.

Subject:RE: encoding mp3 question
Reply by: caG
Date:9/2/2002 12:50:38 AM

"lets say i have a 24 bit 48khz wav . is it better to
1.resample to 44k
2. change the bit rate to 16
3. then save as a mp3? ( my goal is 128 kb)"

If you are starting with such a high-quality original why would you want to convert it to 128k? :) I'd recommend at least 160k JS if you want to retain a lil bit of that quality, and 256k/320k JS is recommended if you want it to sound damn near identical to the original.

I know this is kinda off topic.. haha.. I just had to mention it. :D

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