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Subject:Can u elminate vocals
Posted by: aazz20
Date:8/31/2002 5:15:08 PM

I am having a real probelm can u eliminate vocals in a song and vice versa
if anyone could tell me i would be very gratefull

Subject:RE: Can u elminate vocals
Reply by: Engineer
Date:8/31/2002 9:45:19 PM

no you cant, no version of SF can do this. Once you mix several sounds together it is impossible to seperate them.

Subject:RE: Can u elminate vocals
Reply by: aazz20
Date:9/1/2002 11:52:38 AM

no i ment from cd's can u get them and eliminate vocals

Subject:RE: Can u elminate vocals
Reply by: sonicboom
Date:9/1/2002 12:48:37 PM

i can eliminate vocals but then again i can fly

Subject:RE: Can u elminate vocals
Reply by: Geoff_Wood
Date:9/1/2002 11:47:49 PM

Try VREMOVER plugin from . Freeware . Does a pretty good job, though of course not 'perfect'.

Subject:RE: Can u elminate vocals
Reply by: AE333
Date:9/3/2002 2:49:35 AM

Actually, you guys are all wrong. Because of the
mix process the vocal IS part of the audio file but,
in some instances, it can be removed by changing the
phase of the left and right channels. Most vocals,
being in mono for the direct signal, can be lowered
in volume by mixing a track exactly 180 degrees out
of phase. "Chicken666," this is how those "Vocal
Eliminator" sytems, advertised in the back of "Guitar
Player" magazine, attempt to do this but it is usually
unsatisfactory due to stereo artifacts.

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