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Subject:Anyone know what's up with Izotope's web site?
Posted by: JHebert
Date:8/28/2002 4:09:35 PM

Is Izotope having trouble (business, or personal)?

All of Izotope's web site email addresses bounce. Some of them with a 'couldn't get through' message, and some with a 'mailbox full' message. There's no phone number or street address, so how do you reach them?

I am interested in buying Ozone, but this concerns me a lot. If anyone out there bought this plugin, did you also get an alterate way to reach them?

Hoping for the best,


Subject:RE: Anyone know what's up with Izotope's web site?
Reply by: MacMoney
Date:8/28/2002 11:17:45 PM

I talked with them monday, They didn't say anything about the web page. Maybe they are updating or something.

I will send an e-mail.

George Ware

Subject:RE: Anyone know what's up with Izotope's web site?
Reply by: JHebert
Date:8/29/2002 9:48:36 AM

Please do let me know if you reach someone there. I like the demo and would like to purchase. With so many smaller companies having trouble these days, I was concerned. I hope they're doing well!


Subject:RE: Anyone know what's up with Izotope's web site?
Reply by: Clyde200
Date:8/29/2002 11:50:15 AM

Just tried it... the site works fine.

Subject:RE: Anyone know what's up with Izotope's web site?
Reply by: iZotope
Date:8/29/2002 1:31:56 PM

Hi James,

No business or personal troubles here (actually, we should be getting more sleep and exercise but that's beside the point). We did have an email issue as some script kid with too much time on his hands decided to send us an email every few seconds for a few hours. The systems automatically go into a 'defense' mode and you must have been trying to get through as these thousands of messages were also coming in. Fortunately, this sort of thing doesn't happen often and we did get George's email and one from Sonic Foundry as well.

Anyhow, I just sent you an email with Ozone info.

iZotope, Inc.

Subject:RE: Anyone know what's up with Izotope's web site?
Reply by: RiRo
Date:8/29/2002 2:52:29 PM

Is there still a special price for OZone for purchasers of Sound Forge 6.0? It seems I read of one, but was strapped at the time. I could take advantage of that now.


Subject:RE: Anyone know what's up with Izotope's web site?
Reply by: BarryB
Date:8/30/2002 12:42:39 PM

I'd like to know myself!

Subject:RE: Anyone know what's up with Izotope's web site?
Reply by: iZotope
Date:8/30/2002 2:03:48 PM

Hi Barry and RiRo,

Sorry, the Sound Forge/Ozone promotion was for a limited time and has since expired. My best suggestion, though, is to register for Vinyl at

Reason being is that we sometimes do upgrade pricing specials for our Vinyl customers when we have something new. I know, Vinyl is free, but we still consider those people customers. And something new is coming :-)

iZotope, Inc.

Subject:RE: Anyone know what's up with Izotope's web site?
Reply by: Yojimbo
Date:9/9/2002 4:52:11 PM

Justin, something's still screwy though. I emailed you again today (based on your reply) and recieved this within the hour:

"An error occurred sending a message to:
Relay host reported error:
Message could not be delivered due to a DNS routing configuration error."

(same one - using another nickname... my original wouldn't let me on the forum today)

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