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Subject:Acid Pro 4.0 rewire?
Posted by: hsh
Date:8/26/2002 11:33:04 AM

i was wondering does anybody know if rewire works with Acid Pro 4.0? Thanks. hsh

Subject:RE: Acid Pro 4.0 rewire?
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:8/26/2002 11:47:32 AM

No, sorry, at least not right now, but maybe via an update down the road?

I do know that due to time constraints and resources/planning, ReWire just couldn't be implemented this time around. (It's quite a feat for ACID to even have VSTi support; was sort of shocked when I first saw this feature myself.) I know the people at Propellerhead are eager for ACID to have it too.

If you ever have a suggestion or like to see something for ACID, fill out this form and let them know.


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