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Subject:sooooo sluggish... why ???
Posted by: LUDIKRIS
Date:8/24/2002 5:34:57 AM

after some crashing and nonsense.. i was able to get this buggy program to record some midi data. Now when I press play, stop or do something, I have to wait like 10 or more seconds for it to respond. No problems with any other programs like this just the acid 4 demo. Is there any issues about having acid 3 and acid 4 installed at the same time?

I am using a tascam us 224 which works great with everything else.

Subject:RE: sooooo sluggish... why ???
Reply by: PBSound
Date:8/24/2002 7:30:55 AM

Having to put up with the crash everytime that I press the stop button in chopper I also noticed the slow start up and general function of ACID 4 not the demo but the paid program.

Any idea as to when we will see the start of an update program?

Subject:RE: sooooo sluggish... why ???
Reply by: aress
Date:8/24/2002 9:56:30 AM

mine has also been sluggish in transport controls, even without using midi....

i had to shut off every plugin, including the track optimized ones!...

this is on files that worked great in V3.....

Subject:RE: sooooo sluggish... why ???
Reply by: Studio_de_Lara
Date:8/24/2002 10:58:51 AM

You guys using ASIO? When I could get ASIO to work (for a little bit) playback was very very sluggish, bogged down.
No problems with the Classic Drivers.

Subject:RE: sooooo sluggish... why ???
Reply by: aress
Date:8/24/2002 3:10:19 PM

no asio, win drivers...

got rid of the sluggishness[?] by removing all uneeded plugins, this includes the track optimized ones....

but when it works, v4 is MUCH faster than 3

Subject:RE: sooooo sluggish... why ???
Reply by: LUDIKRIS
Date:8/24/2002 5:54:51 PM

so what the hell is the point of incorporating asio if they don't work right..??

All I have to say is SOFO better come correct asap. I'd be embarrased to release such a buggy program.

reason rewired into sx is still the bomb...

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