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Subject:What is refund procedure for ACID 4.0?
Posted by: snicholshms
Date:8/23/2002 2:19:08 PM

There are just too many problems with this product. It is unfair to the support staff and customers. Thank God I didn't tweak both my pcs or go through the "hoops" to try and get a substandard product to function properly. This is clearly not ready for prime time, SOFO.

How do dissatisfied customers that purchased ACID 4.0 with a credit card via the download site get a refund? Do we need to send letters to the banks that issued our credit cards?

SOFO should make clear what the refund procedure is and respond to refund requests promptly to restore lost credibility.

Subject:RE: What is refund procedure for ACID 4.0?
Reply by: Maruuk
Date:8/23/2002 2:33:04 PM

O the Humanity!

Hey, how did all these other companies like Cakewalk just waltz in and declare Acid-compatibility??? Didn't SOFO patent the Acid file-info imbedding process? How can it be an open standard with no royalties going to SOFO?

Anyway, nobody wants Acid to be a one-hit wonder (though what a hit it was!). C'mon SOFO! Listen to Msr. Nichols here. Put Barry Bonds up (read: ReWire) and let's get back in the game!

Subject:RE: What is refund procedure for ACID 4.0?
Reply by: bgc
Date:8/23/2002 3:06:34 PM

I don't think it's possible for SoFo to patent or protect the process of putting ACID information in the .wav header (which is basically just tempo, number of beats and loop/one-shot information located in an open standard format, i.e. .wav).

Subject:RE: What is refund procedure for ACID 4.0?
Reply by: bgc
Date:8/23/2002 3:07:33 PM

Although they probably could limit people using the trademark "ACID" or "ACID-ized" as applies to loops and their software.

Subject:RE: What is refund procedure for ACID 4.0?
Reply by: Maruuk
Date:8/23/2002 3:39:02 PM

Yeah, it's surprising they couldn't trademark or copyright some aspect to protect their branding and intellectual property.

Subject:RE: What is refund procedure for ACID 4.0?
Reply by: SonicDHC
Date:8/23/2002 4:18:11 PM

The product name, ACID, has recently been granted Registered Trademark (circ R) status and is legally protected (and obviously, so is the code). The word ACID-ize can not, and should not be used, since turning a trademark name into a 'verb' or action dilutes the strength of the mark itself. We try to enforce this where and whenever practical. You'll notice in the case of most competitors, for instance Cakewalk's Sonar(tm) ads, they will reference the applicable marks. As far as the process to create wav files that works in ACID, that's a different story. It's what the program does with this data, and how this is differentiated across apps, that's key.

Subject:RE: What is refund procedure for ACID 4.0?
Reply by: SHTUNOT
Date:8/23/2002 4:21:50 PM

You bought the software and used it for a hour and now your calling it quits?
You didn't list your hardware,OS,soundcard,etc...Didn't you read all the post earlier on? What other software do you have installed? I personally don't think that sofo R&D will wait that long to issue update patches to correct the bugs. I can understand you being pissed if you don't own acid already to fall back on but the responses from the techs have been many and I trust that they'll keep on all their promises.[this isn't steinberg ya know]




Or even a[FREAKIN']4.5!!!!!

Take your time and do it right. We'll all be here for it when the time comes[minus a few...F@ck'em!] There is no need to rush and reproduce what has happened with this release yet again!

Some people will never be happy. Can you imagine if they listened and rushed "rewire" at the last minute?

Please be patient,I'm sure the fixes are on the way. Later.

Subject:RE: What is refund procedure for ACID 4.0?
Reply by: Maruuk
Date:8/23/2002 4:47:43 PM

These aren't fixes coming up, these aren't minor tweaks required, they're basic implementations that they didn't have time to finish before the financially-motivated release date. And if ReWire was implemented in 4.0, you wouldn't need OPT, VSTi, ASIO and implementation for VSTi sync and ASIO drivers. You could get everything you need and more from WORKING apps. And Acid could remain simple, and robust. I quote the recent unadultered wisdom of a SOFO employee, "Let Acid be Acid!"

But no, let's ignore ReWire and stuff Acid full of half-baked junk that doesn't work turning it into a crashing, buggy Sonar wannabee!

Please, get real. We have a product in identity crisis and as always, the best advice is, "Be yourself." The moment Acid tried to be Sonar/Cubase/Nuendo it fell right off the stage.

I say, dust yerself off, get back up there and just loop--and let ReWire do anything else anyone could ever ask for to the limits of imagination, co-rendering in perfect sync and perfectly invisible to the user. See, a happy ending after all. Author!

Subject:RE: What is refund procedure for ACID 4.0?
Reply by: Maruuk
Date:8/23/2002 4:55:18 PM

Thanks, DHC. Interesting. I see the term "Acidized" loops used a lot for new loop discs, and these guys are obviously not paying a royalty and don't include the trademark. So they're in violation of the trademark law?

Subject:RE: What is refund procedure for ACID 4.0?
Reply by: Jessariah
Date:8/23/2002 5:07:04 PM

From Rick Hoefling, when I inquired about the use of "ACID-ized" on our new loop library:

"Yes, if you are using the term ACIDized, it should include the (tm). Any
other reference to ACID should be ACID® ."

As long as you give it the old (tm), you're fine calling something ACID-ized.

Oops! I mean, ACID-ized(tm)...

Subject:RE: What is refund procedure for ACID 4.0?
Reply by: SHTUNOT
Date:8/23/2002 5:36:10 PM

The damage is already done D!CK! I've agreed with the whole fact that rewire SHOULD have been implemented! If memory serves me correct "I" responded to "your" thread a while back and made the suggestion for the interconnectivity between acid/vegas using it! And YOU agreed with ME! So telling me the whole point about rewire again is beginning to sound STUPID! Check my earlier posts in the vegas forum on vegas audio wishlists...many of the audio suggestions on that thread made by myself and others got to this release and I'm so happy about that. But the money has been spent and the time to bitch about rewire is OVER! Sorry, next release! Get over it! Does the phrase "broken record" have any meaning to you? Sofo have replied and understand the whole concept. Come up with another "bright idea" for acid pro 5 that will help keep sofo from going "out of business" again![without saying rewire] WE ALL GET IT ALREADY!

But no, let's ignore ReWire and stuff Acid full of half-baked junk that doesn't work turning it into a crashing, buggy Sonar wannabee!---Yes as of right now...BUT in a patch or two it will SMOKE the others with all the positive functionality it brings to anyones plate. I can tell already that when the fixes come it will STILL be the most FUN app to create my music in. THATS why I turn to sonar even less after this version of acid is out.

Everyone say it with me..."GLASS IS HALF FULL!"


Subject:RE: What is refund procedure for ACID 4.0?
Reply by: Jacose
Date:8/23/2002 10:06:51 PM

And if ReWire was implemented in 4.0, you wouldn't need OPT, VSTi, ASIO and implementation for VSTi sync and ASIO drivers

although I agree with the implementation of REWIRE strongly, the above is an ignorant statement.


because ACID needed OPT to have MIDI Editing, which was greatly desired by many more customers than those who needed rewire.

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