
shaunn wrote on 8/22/2002, 12:03 AM
Sorry, I don't mean to be rude here but I have no idea what you are intending to ask about...maybe someone else can understand but I don't get it.

Could you rephrase the question?


Borusik wrote on 8/22/2002, 12:53 AM
At me is mp3 file with movie(avi) sound and voice of the translator both, the movie sound is bad quality. As I can make more loudly a sound of the translator to transfer on more better quality of a sound of movie.
DougHamm wrote on 8/22/2002, 9:53 AM
Alright, I'll bite:

You've got a single .AVI file with the base movie and dialogue, as well as translated dialogue in the form of a separate .mp3 file. You either:

a) want the translated dialogue to be louder to compensate for the bad quality of the underlying sound
b) want to improve the quality of the underlying sound without affecting the quality of the translated dialogue.

In either case you might have luck messing around with the volume, EQ, compression, etc. on two audio tracks to tone down the bad sound and allow the translated dialogue track to stand out better.

Am I close? :)
