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Subject:OGG Vorbis 1.0
Posted by: wilou
Date:8/22/2002 3:11:02 AM


I've seen a few posts about the OGG Vorbis codec (which I'm using since 1 year). I've just installed SoundForge 6.0b and I'm very disapointed. The codec is still "Release Candidate 2" ...

BTW, OGG Vorbis 1.0 is available since July 12 2002. Is there any chance of seeing a FINAL OGG Vorbis codec in SF 6.0c ???


Subject:RE: OGG Vorbis 1.0
Reply by: jgalt
Date:8/22/2002 5:34:59 AM

wilou: I to am very disappointed with the ancient ogg codec in SF 6.0b. It is a waste of time to use it. From time to time I have attempted to communicate with Sonic Foundry in the past about support for Vorbis ~ they never responded.

Because of this, I'm making a wild guess that there might be some pressure from MicroSoft that hinders SF from being up-to-date. In the meantime, use the latest OggDec or OggDropXPd for your encoding of wav files to ogg.

Subject:RE: OGG Vorbis 1.0
Reply by: wilou
Date:8/26/2002 5:05:32 AM

jgalt: Yep you're right. Using the last compiled tools from

I also tried to ask the technical support about Vorbis, they told me to add my query to the "whish list" ... maybe SF is also trying to protect their PCA file format ?

Anyway, we should continue to annoy SF until they give us what we NEED!

Subject:RE: OGG Vorbis 1.0
Reply by: SonyJennL
Date:8/28/2002 12:44:03 PM

Don't fret because we're working on it right now.

Happy mixing!

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