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Subject:Cut 'em some slack...
Posted by: waynegee
Date:8/20/2002 3:07:37 PM

We may be over-reacting to the bugs 'cuz we were hot for Acid 4.0 but you know SoFo is on the job. They will get it together, of this I have no doubt. They are trying to take a huge leap forward in functionality and it may take a minute. I mean, all of the other DAWs/sequncing packages are many revs ahead. Someone wrote that SoFo has been consistenly behind for 2 years...compared to what? In the space they occupy, they own it. Sonar comes close but it ain't ACID. DXi or VSTi...who cares? As long as we can use our soft synths internally, it shouldn't be a problem, right. The VSTi implementaions out there are sketchy, at best. I surprised they got it out in this rev. It ain't perfect, but it'll get there. I do think they bowed to the pressure and put it out prematurely (Maruuk gonna rip their asses) but they'll get it. Keep posting those bugs but be mellow. Peace, Love and Understanding...what's so funny 'bout it.

Subject:RE: Cut 'em some slack...
Reply by: hermanakos
Date:8/20/2002 3:44:41 PM

Totally agree Wayne.
Apart from the bugs I reported I'm quite happy with the program. Bugs are a part of life (heck, I killed three of them already today, it must be their season...). Take Cubase SX for instance, they already put out 2 updates after the program was launched in June and still I get crashes all the time (especially with Absynth). So update number 3 in two months time is due shortly. Mind you: SX is much more expensive than Pro 4.0!
I think the guys/girls at SOFO did a pretty decent job - given the added functionalities - and it's no shame that we the users find and report bugs. That's how it works, that's why there are these forums.
Although I'd have preferred a public beta, like Propellerheads did with Reason 2.0. That program is totally bug-free since I installed and doesn't need an upgrade.

Subject:RE: Cut 'em some slack...
Reply by: waynegee
Date:8/20/2002 4:13:31 PM

yup, I agree...I did the Reason 2.0 beta as well and it all rocked except Fred was a cock (I think 'cuz he was stressed to the gills). SoFo will get it, though. (Better do it quick before a certain somebody gets a copy of Acid 4.0...if ya know what I mean...)

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