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Subject:Ozone and Acid
Posted by: iZotope
Date:8/17/2002 12:01:14 AM

FYI - we have Ozone automating (all 144 parameters) in Acid 4. We'll probably have an update in <60 days for the general public.

Nice job SOFO - not the first DirectX automation app we tried to make work with Ozone, but the first one to really do it right. It's really something to see and hear all this DSP being automated by Acid.

I have to go make more music now. It's just too much fun.

iZotope, Inc.
makers of Ozone and other strange things.

Subject:RE: Ozone and Acid
Reply by: iZotope
Date:8/17/2002 1:07:14 AM

Acid 4 beta, of course. My apologies, this was meant for the beta forum. Damn, you get all excited and post to the wrong forum.

Subject:RE: Ozone and Acid
Reply by: nlamartina
Date:8/17/2002 2:25:01 AM

Sweet Erik. I was actually going to e-mail you guys and ask if you had any plans on doing so. Glad to hear that you're one step ahead. Will this be a free update to registered Ozone users, or will this be a new version that we'll have to pay to upgrade?

Nick LaMartina

Subject:RE: Ozone and Acid
Reply by: shaunn
Date:8/17/2002 5:40:00 AM

Is there a Beta forum? or was he just making a joke?

Pardon my stupidity here...

Subject:RE: Ozone and Acid
Reply by: pwppch
Date:8/17/2002 7:58:10 AM

Yes, but it is for private beta testers.


Subject:RE: Ozone and Acid
Reply by: iZotope
Date:8/21/2002 3:02:12 AM

>Is there a Beta forum? or was he just making a joke?

>Pardon my stupidity here...

No it was totally our stupidity. A late night, we were so excited to be automating Ozone in the Acid 4 beta, had a couple forum windows open and posted that we were good to go in the wrong forum.

But it's all true :-)

iZotope, Inc.

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