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Subject:Wild recording meters in 6.0
Posted by: papasanjwh
Date:8/15/2002 8:08:00 PM

First time caller. Didn't see anyone else having this problem. No doubt a user error. :) I'm trying to record a 44K/16 track of audio on SF 6.0. I've done it successfully for over a year with SF 4.5 on the same computer. In 6.0, however, my record levels hit/clip the top in a constant pulse no matter what the input audio level is. This happens only when I'm actually recording, not when I'm setting up the recording event. It reads correctly and predictably up to the point I actually start recording. It doesn't do this in SF 4.5 and never has. Signed, Confused.

Subject:RE: Wild recording meters in 6.0
Reply by: Engineer
Date:8/16/2002 2:44:00 AM

I get a similar problem with sf 6 and also with 4.5 and 5. It looks as though sound is coming in but nothing is there when the file is played back.

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