Feature Request - Fade out relative to end of event

Shredder wrote on 8/6/2002, 10:32 AM
When fading an event OUT, have the 'fade offset' relative to the end of the event, rather than the beginning. Basically, I want to easily be able to create a 1.5 second fade without having to do math. (This currently works fine for fade in)

Have a CTRL key modifier that displays the 'fade offset' relative to the beginning of the track like it currently does, for those who like it that way. I haven't found a situation yet where knowing where the fade out starts relative to the beginning of the track matters.

Finally, to extend this, have a SHIFT key modifier that snaps the fade to 0.25 second increments.

This will help streamline my video production where I have a series of clips & I want a precise 2 second in / 3 second out & not have to do any math to get it. Right now I create empty events as length blocks that I size my fades against. It's a real pain.

The snapping to 0.25 sec increments would really help obsessive-compulsive types like myself know that my fades are consistent.

This is all about streamlining the production process, and this is something that really slows me down.


DougHamm wrote on 8/6/2002, 10:37 AM
I second that! HAve you added it to the feature request page?

Tyler.Durden wrote on 8/6/2002, 11:17 AM
Hi Shredder, Doug..

You might try using the loop-region tool and TL cursor:

Set the loop-region tool for the duration you like or double-click in the fade you like to create the loop-region.

Ctrl-alt-arrow the cursor to the end of the event where you want the fade, drag the loop-region tool (at its center) so the end snaps to the cursor.

Ctrl-arrow left the cursor to the head of the loop-region, and drag the fade handle to snap to the cursor. The duration will be precise.

It sounds like a lot when written, but it is very straightforward in practice.

Shredder wrote on 8/6/2002, 11:40 AM
I did submit this as a feature request, but posted it here to get more support.

As far as martyh's suggestion, it is simpler than my empty event workaround, but it's still a klooge. This could be so easy, a one-step operation!

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one frustrated by this.

- Jon
jetdv wrote on 8/6/2002, 11:56 AM
Maybe an easier way would be for the box showing the offset from beginning to simply show two numbers, the current offset from beginning AND the offset from the end so you didn't have to remember to press a key (or be required to press a key).
Shredder wrote on 8/6/2002, 11:58 AM
That would work too. I don't care if they show stock prices there as long as I also get my time relative to the end!
SonyDennis wrote on 8/6/2002, 8:33 PM
We discussed this and decided to change it to show fade duration instead of of what it's showing now.
Cheesehole wrote on 8/6/2002, 11:38 PM