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Posted by: Brukhus
Date:8/5/2002 4:35:55 PM

Does Sound Forge XP 5.0 support Direct X plugins?

If it does how/where to I put them to have them pull up?



Subject:RE: Plugins
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:8/5/2002 10:02:25 PM

No it doesn't, sorry. Only the full version of Sound Forge supports DX plugins.

Subject:RE: Plugins
Reply by: Engineer
Date:8/6/2002 12:55:09 AM

No I dont think it does. I think XP is a cut down version of the full version.
I think it has some plug ins that come with the disc. I dont have the XP version, only the full version, so I cant say for shure.

Subject:RE: Plugins
Reply by: Brukhus
Date:8/6/2002 4:59:59 PM

Thanks dudes. It doesn't.

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