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Subject:Distortion during playback
Posted by: DTM
Date:7/22/2002 12:40:51 AM

While I'm recording using SF5, the music sounds fine. But when I play it back, the entire file is distorted by a constant farting noise. Can anyone help me?

Subject:RE: Distortion during playback
Reply by: jgalt
Date:7/22/2002 5:33:55 AM

Is there a chance that you are recording at too high of a volume? The recording level meters should not show any red when peaking ~ keep them in the yellow, I suggest not over -6db on peaks. You can re-set (normalize) the volume later for whatever you want after the recording is made.

The distortion sound you describe is unique. I've never heard this as a result of too high a level when recording. It *may* indicate some other cause of your distortion. If so, I've not a clue.

Subject:RE: Distortion during playback
Reply by: DTM
Date:7/22/2002 11:38:22 AM

Thanks for your input. I did keep the recording level meters in the yellow. Last week everything was fine, but now everything I recording sounds horrible when I playback. Please let me know if you come across anything like this. Thanks.

Subject:RE: Distortion during playback
Reply by: inspector
Date:7/22/2002 12:34:17 PM

Have you tried the directx version of "Beano"?

Sorry I couldn't resist.


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