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Subject:Missing DX folder in SF 6
Posted by: DeeperFOLK
Date:7/19/2002 12:49:27 AM

I got Sound Forge 6 (i had 5 running), and i doesn't have that scroll menu up top with all the DX plugs listed for my use. 5 had this going on and i loved it with the easy acess, now i can't even use DX plugs in 6! What is going on here? Do i need to do something special in preferances er what? Any help is appreciated, i'm lost!

Subject:RE: Missing DX folder in SF 6
Reply by: jgalt
Date:7/19/2002 6:13:40 AM

In my version of SF 6a, across the extreme top of the screen is a task bar with numerous options. The 4th one from the right is named DX FAVORITES. I placed my cursor on that and then clicked on RECREATE BY PLUG-IN NAME. I then loaded the file I wanted to work on. I put my cursor on DX FAVORITES again and one of the options that then appeared was Sonic Foundry. That listed all my plug-ins.

If these options are missing from your version I would contact the SF folks for help.

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