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Subject:Acid 3.0f glitching occurs on 1.3 ghz with XP....why?
Posted by: MattX
Date:7/17/2002 12:59:39 PM

acid 3.0f using Windows XP
pentium 4 1.3 ghz with 640 mg of ram.
hercules game theater Xp sound card.

we changed the video acceleration to *none* but can't find how to *change the system to a network server*,*diable write behind caching*,or how to *turn off the read ahead optimization*. i did these things when using 98se and never had a problem again. we now have a stronger computer and are using the new operating program but the computer glitches during playback.
we aren't even doing heavy processing and its giving us problems!

any ideas of how to optimize this system would be grately appreciated.

Subject:RE: Acid 3.0f glitching occurs on 1.3 ghz with XP....why?
Reply by: xxFT13xx
Date:7/17/2002 2:05:09 PM

check out and go to the Windows section...or just sign up for the message board. TONS of help there!!


Subject:RE: Acid 3.0f glitching occurs on 1.3 ghz with XP....why?
Reply by: GP40
Date:7/18/2002 9:23:16 AM

I'd check for updated sound card driver (if avaiable). If not add a another to system and try using it to record through.

Subject:RE: Acid 3.0f glitching occurs on 1.3 ghz with XP....why?
Reply by: SPP
Date:7/18/2002 9:49:40 AM

Try this:

It's the latest update.


Subject:RE: Acid 3.0f glitching occurs on 1.3 ghz with XP....why?
Reply by: Spirit
Date:7/19/2002 5:54:25 AM

Low system resources
Loads of games
Running Office and virus checkers


Subject:RE: Acid 3.0f glitching occurs on 1.3 ghz with XP....why?
Reply by: Vocalpoint
Date:7/19/2002 7:30:54 AM

I am with the rest here as far as giving us some more details. There are a ton of things that can cause glitching. Also - you probably don't want to hear this but you might think about getting a soundcard that is designed specfically for recording. The whole SF family of products just works a whole lot better if you give them a decent audio card to play with. And just because you were able to tweak your way through 98SE and get some sort of acceptable performance doesn't necessary mean everything was working right.

XP is about as far away from 98SE as can be. A whole new subsystem with lots of demands on hardware, drivers and other factors.

Some things I would like to know: Is ACPI installed? Is your sound card sitting on IRQ 9 in Device Manager. Have you taken the time to optimize XP itself. Pop over to and check out the list of suggestions - there are about 40 key tweaks to XP sofwtare and hardware. How about services on XP - by default there are about 50 services that start up on their own - and about 40 of them are not required on a DAW. Is your box a DAW only or are you using it for everything like MS Office, Surfing, Gaming etc. The rules have changed these days - usually for a clean , click free environment - a dedicated partition (or separate machine if you have it) is a requirement. While I am at it - what do you have for hard disk in this box? If you do not have two separate hard drives - NOT separate partitions on the same drive (one for os/apps and the other for your audio files) you are looking for clicking and popping problems....

As you can see - tons of things to look at - so explore this box and let us know what you find out.

Cuzin B

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