reading in this forum

stepfour wrote on 7/10/2002, 11:26 PM
I like to browse this forum and learn more about Vegas and make a contribution when I can, however, I am finding the browsing very tedious and want to make sure I am using the forum properly. How do I do the following:

Select a thread and then open all the responses in it and read through them, and not have to click on each one?

Is there a quick way to go back to the main topic list? My browser seems very sluggish when I select "Back to Vegas-Video Topics" and even when I use the browser "back" button. I use IE6.

I don't see an "open entire thread" button, or such, but I'm guessing there is a way to do it, so, please, some "old-timer" here give me some tips. Many thanks.


jboy wrote on 7/10/2002, 11:41 PM
Clk on the EDIT ACCOUNT header at the top of this page, and under FORUM VIEW, select NON-THREADED. Then all the messages will appear on one page. In the category above it you can specify how many messages you want to appear on the forum page. Sorry I cant help with your sluggish navigation. I would think the IE6 would cache pages, in which case your return to a previous page should be almost instantaneous. If it's possible to disable page caching in IE, maybe yours is turned off ?
p_l wrote on 7/11/2002, 12:11 AM
Once you've followed the good advice above, try to Shift + click on a topic and it will open in a new window. When you're done reading that thread, simply close that window and Shift+click on the next topic you want to read from your original window, which has remained underneath. Hope this helps!
MyST wrote on 7/11/2002, 6:28 AM
Also... You have to be logged in to see all the responses.
Spirit wrote on 7/11/2002, 8:17 AM
This has helped me too. Much better !
dsanders wrote on 7/11/2002, 8:17 AM
Where is the EDIT ACCOUNT button? When I read this page, it is no where to be found!
dsanders wrote on 7/11/2002, 8:18 AM
Never mind. It seems that I was not logged on.
stepfour wrote on 7/11/2002, 9:04 AM
Thanks jboy. That's what I was looking for. I knew it was something simple I had missed. Now when I open a thread I can speed read through it and go on to the next one. Thanks also to the other(s) for the suggestion on IE6 caching. When I get some time I'll look into that too. Thanks again for the big help.
Erk wrote on 7/11/2002, 2:27 PM
Wow, didn't notice the non-threaded option before.

I'm also a habitual user of "right click on link, choose Open in New Window." That keeps my "main" window open (in this case the "Video Topics" page).
DougHamm wrote on 7/11/2002, 4:45 PM
I use a free browser (using the IE engine) called Crazy Browser. It allows for tabbed operation and opening up a page in a new tab is as simple as clicking a hyperlink with the _middle_ button. It's great - I middle-click on any threads that look interesting, and once done I just read them like pages of a newspaper. is where you'll find it.

Randy Brown wrote on 7/11/2002, 7:22 PM
Thank you for asking, that made a big difference. Next question: does anyone know how to read this in Outlook Express or someway to flag certain topics?
Randy Brown wrote on 7/11/2002, 7:28 PM
Never mind, I just noticed (after changing my preferences in edit account) that the topic turns to bold when a reply has been added.
Randy Brown wrote on 7/11/2002, 7:55 PM
OK, maybe I'm getting too picky but it *would* be really nice to flag a topic. Does anyone know if there is a way to read the forum as a NG in Outlook?
Thanks very much,
Chienworks wrote on 7/11/2002, 8:01 PM
I don't believe it's possible. This is a web page, not a traditional news server. You can only view it via HTTP, which means it's only accessible in web browsers.
SonyDennis wrote on 7/11/2002, 10:47 PM

> I'm also a habitual user of "right click on link, choose Open in New Window." That keeps my "main" window open (in this case the "Video Topics" page).

Did you know Shift+click did the same thing?

Chienworks wrote on 7/11/2002, 11:16 PM
That shift+click must be for MSIE. In Netscape it brings up the "save link as" dialog box.
stepfour wrote on 7/12/2002, 8:11 AM
I tried the Shift-click and it works. Opens thread in a new window which leaves the main topic list still available on the original window. I will use Shift-click often, because my system is very slooooow when trying to go back to the main topic list after viewing a thread in the same window.
jopereira wrote on 7/12/2002, 8:51 AM
Just to clarify something that has been said before: if you use "Back to Vegas — Video Topics" you are requesting the brownser for a NEW page. If you use the backspace key or the "<-" icon, you are requesting browser to go the page you were before (much faster).