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Subject:Increasing a WAV Volume in Sound Forge ?
Posted by: iparout
Date:7/11/2002 8:48:49 AM

Hi there...

I have a WAV file which has a low volume... What I want to do is add about 3 dB to the *WHOLE* file so as for it to play louder on my not so hi-quality PC Speakers.

How can I do that in Sound Forge ?

I am a newbie so please bear with me if this question is naive.

Subject:RE: Increasing a WAV Volume in Sound Forge ?
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:7/11/2002 9:46:52 AM

Select the file, PROCESS>VOLUME>MOVE THE SLIDER TO +3dB. If you're a newbie, you might want to check the MENU items listed in Sound Forge, instead of waiting for a reply from a post. It's pretty easy to figure out the simple terms like "VOLUME" and will get you the quickest results. There's also a "Help" menu within sound forge that you can look things up pretty quickly.

Subject:RE: Increasing a WAV Volume in Sound Forge ?
Reply by: dalecooper
Date:7/11/2002 10:39:13 AM

FYI, a simple DB increase is not always the best way to get an overall volume increase... it just depends what the track is. A simple source track like a guitar loop can be handled with just a volume increase. A complete song, if increased this way more than a little bit, may start clipping. What I usually do is run one of the compression presets (under Effects/ Dynamics) and then Normalize (under Processes) to 0 db, or slightly lower. A bit of compression and then normalization will give you a significantly louder track overall. Play with the compression presets and see which one you like; some may introduce audible ducking, which you obviously don't want. I prefer to use milder compression so that the track sounds normal. The volume maximizer preset will give you major volume, but also sounds (at least to my ears) like someone twiddling the volume knob up and down constantly.

Subject:RE: Increasing a WAV Volume in Sound Forge ?
Reply by: iparout
Date:7/11/2002 2:40:01 PM

I really can't understand the irony in your post Rednroll.. To what its worth, I checked the integrated help in Sound Forge twice... Unfortunately I did not search for "VOLUME" but instead I searched for "AMPLIFY" which yielded no satisfactory results... I also used the Graphiic EQ effect which gave me a louder track but I just didn't know if it was the right way to do it... That's why I seeked for help here... I did all my homework before posting this thread... I was not searching for an easy solution... Thanks for the reply... I appreciate that... But the irony, that's something I don't like...

Anyways, thanks you both for your time to post here.

Subject:RE: Increasing a WAV Volume in Sound Forge ?
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:7/12/2002 4:27:34 PM

No irony was intended. Was just trying to point you in the right direction to help you get the quickest answers. You said you where a "newbie", and most newbie's aren't aware of the help menu in sound forge. Had you stated you looked through the help menu already and didn't find what you where looking for then I wouldn't have made the suggestion, and could have pointed you in some of the terms you need to look into.

Your post was pretty vague also. There are several ways to achieve more volume like using COMPRESSION, NORMALIZATION, VOLUME, EQUALIZATION, MULTIBAND DYNAMICS, and WAVEHAMMER, just to name a few that are in the help file and listed under the menu's.

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