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Subject:Clicks between tracks when burning CD's
Posted by: dalecooper
Date:7/10/2002 1:29:51 PM

Has anyone run into this problem? I recorded a bunch of music-- some in ACID, some on other equipment. I made .wav files of everything and did editing (compression, normalization, etc) in SoundForge. So far so good. Then I made a playlist of all this in Windows Media Player and burned a CD. When I play it back, I get an annoying click as each track ends. I think it's some incompatibility issue-- I've burned CD's using the track at a time method in SoundForge itself, and I don't get this click (actually, I did on really short tracks-- but that's a separate complaint).

What's up with this? Should I just try a different burning program? I hate sitting for twenty minutes to open and burn each .wav in SoundForge.


Subject:RE: Clicks between tracks when burning CD's
Reply by: Fats
Date:7/10/2002 1:41:23 PM

Are you using Win Media Player to play back the CD, or is this happening in every player you use. I've noticed that Media Player sometimes clicks when moving from one track to the next. However, I do all my burning with CDA and Vegas, so I can't attest to any Forge bugs.

Just a thought. Good luck!

Subject:RE: Clicks between tracks when burning CD's
Reply by: dalecooper
Date:7/10/2002 1:47:05 PM

I was listening to it on my home stereo and car stereo, so it's not Media Player's playback that's doing it. Since it's not in the wav file itself, I can only assume it's happening at the time of the CD write.

I found this document on the web--

The "click at the end of a track" section sound like it may apply, but I'm not sure how to fix it based on the issue he describes. Where in SoundForge do you set the sector size? Is 1/75th not the default? I'm not even sure this is the issue, but it's something to try.

Subject:RE: Clicks between tracks when burning CD's
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:7/10/2002 4:09:03 PM

Media Player is a player, just that. It's not a serious piece of media processing software. All the bells and whistles such as CD burning are there merely as a convenience. I wouldn't trust it to burn a good CD as far as i could spit and still hit the whole in the middle of the disc ;)

Sound Forge isn't a solution for CD burning either as it only burns in Track At Once (TAO) mode, and leaves 2 second gaps between tracks whether you want them or not. It also does not allow you to cue a group of tracks to be burned, as you've mentioned.

After you've got all your separate files ready to burn, use any standard CD burning software such as Nero or Easy CD Creator. Both of these are capable of producing flawless Disc At Once (DAO) audio CDs with no clicks or gaps. There's a very good chance you got one or the other of these free with your CD burner.

Subject:RE: Clicks between tracks when burning CD's
Reply by: dalecooper
Date:7/10/2002 4:18:25 PM

I actually was told when I bought the computer that Adaptec Easy CD Creator was pre-installed. Much to my joy-- note the sarcasm-- I have never been able to find it, and I don't think it's actually installed; it's certainly not listed in the programs list. I've used it before on someone else's machine and it did seem to work well though. I'm going to look into that and Nero and see if one of those will give me better results.

Subject:RE: Clicks between tracks when burning CD's
Reply by: dalecooper
Date:7/11/2002 8:25:27 AM

Solution discovered! After doing a lot of research yesterday, I had a lead on headers, footers, and sectors. I was doing searches on those words in SoundForge help and stumbled across a help entry that described my exact problem (click at the end of the track). The reason they state is that some writer programs don't correctly interpret summary information in the wav file. The solution was to open the wav, select Save As, and uncheck the box about saving summary information with the file.

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