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Subject:Cutting a mp3 file in more parts?
Posted by: Jollyjoker
Date:7/10/2002 8:23:39 AM

I have one already mixed mp3 file. Now i like to cut this file in parts but it has still to be one mixed mp3. Can anybody tell me how to do that so that when i burn the cd it looks like more parts.

Thanks for helping out.

PS i'm using sound forge 6.0


Subject:RE: Cutting a mp3 file in more parts?
Reply by: jgalt
Date:7/10/2002 9:41:51 AM

I'm not sure I completely understand your question. If you want to divide one large file with many songs into individual songs try this:

Open the file and place a marker at the beginning and the end of the file. You can place a marker by clicking your cursor where you want a marker to be and then hit the "M" key on your keyboard.

Place a marker between the end of one song and the beginning of the next - leave some silence on each side of your marker.

Click Special/Region Lists/Markers to Regions.
Click Tools/Extract Regions. You can specify which folder you want the files to be saved to.

By default the file names will be "The name of the original file and then the region.”

Subject:RE: Cutting a mp3 file in more parts?
Reply by: Jollyjoker
Date:7/12/2002 8:24:38 AM

Thanks for helping out.

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