Error Starting VV30c

Ron Lucas wrote on 7/6/2002, 2:55 PM
I get an error message when starting VV30c that says:

"An error occured starting Vegas Video. The reason for the error could not be determined."

I click OK and everything seems to work fine. But I'm wondering why I get this message. Anyone know? I don't recall the last time I installed anything on my computer. I'm pretty sure I haven't changed anything lately, but it seems like I did and VV30c doesn't like it.



Ron Lucas wrote on 7/7/2002, 2:46 PM
Found the problem...

I'm using Windows XP Pro and after I tried to disable some services that I thought were not needed, the service "Terminal Services" was causing VV30c to give me the error if it was disabled. After I enabled it again, VV30c didn't complain anymore during startup.

briand wrote on 7/7/2002, 3:46 PM
I had this problem too, and it drove me crazy for a week. The same thing (turning off "terminal services") will cause Sound Forge 5 (but not 6) to crash right back to the desktop on startup, without any error messages. I mentioned the solution to SF support, so at least they're aware of it should people report it in the future.
Control_Z wrote on 7/8/2002, 6:13 PM
Now isn't THAT interesting. For security reasons this service _should_ be disabled, and of what possible use could VV3 have for it? Some kind of back door?
SonyDennis wrote on 7/8/2002, 9:18 PM
No backdoors that I'm aware of <g>. Vegas supports Windows XP "Fast User Switching" and this uses "Terminal Services".
Ron Lucas wrote on 7/9/2002, 8:39 AM
I disabled a few services to help with memory usage and performance. "Fast User Switching" was one of those I disabled and VV30c works fine with that service turned off. "Terminal Services" is the only one I know of that VV30c needs enabled to not complain about the error during the start of VV30c. Not a big deal, but I'd like to have this turned off for that tiny bit of memory back for VV.

