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Subject:Cut-and-Paste during sustained sounds
Posted by: Hummingbird
Date:6/17/2002 1:04:50 PM

Using SF5.0, I am editing a recording of a church choir with
organ/strings. Several different 'takes' of a work are being cut-and-
pasted to compile a complete recording.

Due to the sustained nature of the music, I cannot always cut-and-
paste at a rhythmically active junction which might mask the edit.
One splice point occurs during a sustained chord. The organ
volume is slightly lower on the left side of the splice, creating what
must best be described as a perceived click when the volume
suddenly jumps up at the splice.

Is there a logical way of creating a crescendo to the left of the
splice point to smooth out that junction?

Thank you for any assistance in this endeavor.

Subject:RE: Cut-and-Paste during sustained sounds
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:6/17/2002 2:25:23 PM

You can select a portion of the file just before the splice and use Process / Fade / Graphic, to gently increse the volume to a matching level. This can also be used after the splice to alter the volume of the following section.

Another option is to include an additional short portion after the edit point of the first file, and also an additional short portion before the edit point of the second file. Then use Edit / Paste Special / Crossfade to have the two pieces blend into each other instead of an instantaneous edit.

Subject:RE: Cut-and-Paste during sustained sounds
Reply by: VU-1
Date:6/18/2002 10:14:19 AM

Just use Vegas (or CDArchitect, if you're lucky enough to have it) and do a real crossfade. (SF will NOT do this efficiently.)

Another thing to try is to find another spot in the performance that very closely matches the spot you are trying to edit and use a small portion of it to make the transition.


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