Vegas 3.0 LE

briand wrote on 6/14/2002, 5:00 PM
Just noticed a new entry on the products page, "Digital Video and Audio Production", a sort of multimedia curriculum package, agailable for purchase (in the books and training secion). It includes full copies of Sound Forge 5 XP and "Vegas Video 3.0 LE". Would somebody who has it or an SF rep care to comment on a comparason of VV3LE to Video Factory? Based on what I've seen from previous "LE" type offereings, it seems like VV3LE could basically replace VF2 (which I wouldn't object to), and at $50 with both SF5XP and VV3LE, it sounds like a real deal to recommend to Sonic Prospects :-)


Chienworks wrote on 6/14/2002, 5:16 PM
If i may be so bold, i can sum up the major differences between Vegas LE and VideoFactory this way:

VLE - more tracks and power, fewer input/output abilities
VF - fewer tracks and effects, more choices for input/output
briand wrote on 6/14/2002, 5:22 PM
That sounds about right. Anyone know if VV3LE includes SoFo capture? The real core question being, should I recommend this to someone who only does home movie editing to and from firewire?