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Subject:please help a newbie
Posted by: venis2k1
Date:6/13/2002 6:32:49 PM

i feel stupid for asking this, but i just cant figure it out. i can not fiugre out how to record over exsisting audio. i have a beat that i want to record lyrics over but i cant figure this out. any help would be greatly appreciated, you dont have to tell me i already know that i am stupid :)

Subject:RE: please help a newbie
Reply by: Vocalpoint
Date:6/13/2002 7:29:10 PM

Nah - you are not stupid at all...just using the wrong app. Soundforge is primarily a two track editor. You can record into it but only two tracks at a time. If you want to slide a vocal overtop of another track, you really need multitracking capability as found in Sonic Foundry Vegas. You can probably even get away with a wee bit of multitracking in Acid but Vegas is your best bet.


Cuzin B

Subject:RE: please help a newbie
Reply by: RiRo
Date:6/13/2002 7:44:41 PM

I don't know if the Sonic Foundry folks approve of this type of information here, but you can get Vegas Audio 2, which will do what you want, on ebay for about $70. Way cheaper than buying Vegas Video 3, which may be way more program than you need. If you have Sound Forge, I believe a lite version of Vegas is available free of charge. It limits you to eight tracks, plenty to do what you are talking about. That would be the cheapest way out.

Subject:RE: please help a newbie
Reply by: venis2k1
Date:6/13/2002 9:41:39 PM

thanks guys i really appreciate the help ill look into it

Subject:RE: please help a newbie
Reply by: Jajvalya
Date:6/22/2002 12:59:28 AM

Just for your nifo...the other guys have given greate advise but untill you get the new software you can llisten to the beats by playing them in the windows media player and use remotecontroll recording panel to record the voice... I have got some nice results by this method...but this is just a make shift solution for amatures...

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