
FuTz wrote on 6/11/2002, 9:05 AM
I don't know if there is actually final rendered footage of projects made with VV3 there but you must try
Maybe in one of their forums you'll be able ot find. Also, you can try clicking the nicknames of people right here in this forum, some of them have web sites mentioned in their personal-info that may contain projects made with the program...
What would be great is to have a place, in this forum, where we can go and watch other people's work. I'd really like that. In fact, Sonic Foundry could benefit from that; having a host site where we could put our "gems"... may them be documentaries, science fiction stories, interviews with the guy next door, etc... I'm sure we could learn from that. To avoid the need to fill a building with servers, they could destroy these projects after, let's say, three days or a week. That could leave space to others so they could too "broadcast" their stuff...

Anyone, any idea???
Frenchy wrote on 6/11/2002, 10:03 AM
Try the following site for projects completed with VV or VF:

The projects on the Chienworks site are *not* .veg files, so you cannot see the project level details, but there are some great examples that this software can produce (with a creative mind, of course).

You also may want to search this forum under "tutorial" for links to SoFo's ftp server, which has some GREAT tutorials. These include the .veg files, along with all of the other files associated with the projects. These on-line tutorials, along with the samples/tutorials on the VV project CD have really helped me out. (not to mention visiting this site regularly to glean information from the many talented folks posting and sharing their knowledge)


Matador wrote on 6/11/2002, 3:06 PM
can somebody please post the sofo's ftp address please. i browse the whole place and cannot find it..

Matador wrote on 6/11/2002, 3:20 PM
i found the site
id: dude
pw: sweet

but... what port?

21 or 80

Chienworks wrote on 6/11/2002, 3:47 PM
FTP should always be port 21, and your ftp software should default to this. In fact, it should be very difficult to set it to anything else. Port 80 is for WWW servers.
Matador wrote on 6/11/2002, 7:17 PM
Hello Chienworks

I am trying to connect to that ftp.
but it dont work. do i have the right one?
or i am missing any letters?


Chienworks wrote on 6/11/2002, 8:06 PM
Jimmy: what FTP software are you using? If you're trying to get there with your browser it might not work because your browser will send "anonymous" as the username and your eMail address as the password. You can use the MS-DOS command line FTP fine, but it's not very easy. I downloaded WS-FTP LE from and that works very well. It even has the ability to copy entire directories.
briand wrote on 6/12/2002, 11:18 AM
Although somewhat painful, you can browse the site from Internet Explorer (or any other broswer) using a login-coded URL:

Your earlier attempts likely failed because IE did not know it needed to send a username and password.