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Subject:matching the beat to the song
Posted by: triad
Date:6/9/2002 3:44:26 PM

I came pretty close, but the beat drags when it gets to the middle of the song. Where do I go if I want to stretch the beat out a little more for only the second half of the song to get it to sync perfectly. Is there anyway that I can tell that I am precisely right without depending on only my ears. Thanks for all the help if any one. theory

Subject:RE: matching the beat to the song
Reply by: Jessariah
Date:6/9/2002 5:55:13 PM

The "beat" of the song is the tempo. If you're losing the beat, then it may be an unacidized loop. I can't imagine an acidized wave "drifting" in a song.

Check the format of the loop. If everything is "dragging," then there might be a tempo change in there.

Subject:RE: matching the beat to the song
Reply by: triad
Date:6/9/2002 7:06:46 PM

ok, I understand now. Why can't I get all my samples and bpm changes on my song when I edit into sound forge. All I get is the original song? thanks, anyone?

Subject:RE: matching the beat to the song
Reply by: Jessariah
Date:6/9/2002 11:16:19 PM

You have to change the properties in Special > Acid Properties. Set the key and number of beats, then save making sure that "save metadata with file" is checked (at the bottome of the save as window).

If you save without "saving the metadata," Acid will still read is without any info.

Subject:RE: matching the beat to the song
Reply by: triad
Date:6/9/2002 11:51:12 PM

Where do I find that icon special to click on so I can find the properties. The only "properties" fuction is under file and it only has a summary and audio window. I'm sorry I don't know what are you talking about, I'm real new at this. Can you please be a little more detailed, step by step if it's ok? Again, this is my problem. I took a loop from rebirth and I transfered it onto acid. The first 5 measures sounded like it was on sync with the instrumental track, but when it got to the 6th measure and up, the beat sounded like it was ahead of the music. I am trying to do a remix and I downloaded the song Kazaa. I did everything I could think of can you help. thanks .

Subject:RE: matching the beat to the song
Reply by: triad
Date:6/10/2002 11:01:41 AM


Subject:RE: matching the beat to the song
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:6/10/2002 1:01:06 PM

I'm guessing, from what it sounds like, is that the tempo is constant but somehow goes out of sync with the rest of the project at a certain point? Could be because of a slight tempo change. (Like going from 108 BPM to 108.675 BPM). Still, an ACIDized file should stretch properly to fit a given tempo.

Since this loop was produced with ReBirth, I'm guessing no ACIDization was performed on the loop.

If you have Sound Forge, use that to edit the loop and ACIDize the file (set ACID properties). If you don't have Sound Forge, you can use ACID to ACIDize the file, but you'll have to do some finagling. Click here to learn how to ACIDize a file using ACID.

In your case, you may also want to split the loop up and render to new tracks when ACIDizing. Split the specific event by placing the cursor where you want the split to occur and then use S on your keyboard. Set the Loop Region over the new portion of the event, solo the track and use CTRL+M on your keyboard. Tick the "Render loop region only" option, name the file and click OK. Then edit the loop properties as usual.


Subject:RE: matching the beat to the song
Reply by: triad
Date:6/10/2002 8:24:07 PM

Sounds like a lot of work just to acidize the beat, I hope a can figure it out , by what you're saying. I'm going to try that now. Thank you so much mD for your response.

Subject:RE: matching the beat to the song
Reply by: Jessariah
Date:6/10/2002 9:26:19 PM

Acidizing a loop is not really a big deal (from a Sound Forge standpoint). You bring the wave into SF, open the "Set Acid Properties," put in the key and number of beats.

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