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Subject:General Tips: Making a voice audio recording sound studio-like
Posted by: adamga
Date:6/6/2002 1:36:59 PM

I have a DV clip of an interview that was conducted, but we did not have the opportunity to set up any michs to capture good quality audio. The result is the audio the DV camdcorder captured.

I'd like to process the audio from this clip and have the audio sound more like a proper, studio recording.

Any general hints folks can share with a newbie?

Subject:RE: General Tips: Making a voice audio recording sound studio-like
Reply by: Vocalpoint
Date:6/6/2002 1:50:49 PM

Sounds like a job for some good EQ and maybe some compressor/limiting to bring the clip up to par and give it some body. Again depends on the quality of the original bit of audio.

Remember the golden rule - "ya can't polish a turd". If this original clip is rough as it is, the wrong application of EQ/Volume Maximizer etc will just accentuate the bad parts and you will have gained nothing.

Also - don't expect miracles even after EQ cannot massage and shape sound bits that were not there in the first place.

Good luck!

Cuzin B

Subject:RE: General Tips: Making a voice audio recording sound studio-like
Reply by: JADCorp
Date:6/6/2002 6:32:38 PM

The simplistic things that I would do are as follows:

Edit out any clicks, pops, bangs or booms that you can starting with events that are not coincident with the speech.

Compress the speech to improve intelligebility. Easy now. Don't get carried away with compression. The intent is to bring the lower sections up to the louder sections. Depending on the camera, it may already be compressed too much.

After the volume of the file is as uniform as you can make it, "Normalize" using peak to bring the signal to the maximum you can without distortion. -1 db or so.

Remember, you can make it better, but if it is a really bad recording there is a limit to what you can do. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

You will be surprised how much you can improve most files, tough. Good Luck.

Subject:RE: General Tips: Making a voice audio recording sound studio-like
Reply by: rique
Date:6/7/2002 10:21:02 AM

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Subject:RE: General Tips: Making a voice audio recording sound studio-like
Reply by: rraud
Date:6/7/2002 8:48:32 PM

Yep, that right. EQ, comp/limiting and noise reduction will help. (if there's some background noise.) BUT, "ya still can't polish a turd". good luck.

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