Can you Record 24 tracks at the same time with Vegas 2.0h?

brokenrecords wrote on 5/27/2002, 4:11 PM
I have 24 tracks of tascam DA38 and wanted to transfer them into Vegas to edit.
I have the Mark of The Unicorn 2408MK11 and have Word clock to sync.
I noticed in Vegas 2.0h it allowed me to only select stereo, left or right.
Im getting the sinking suspicion I will need to upgrade to Vegas Video to be able to select which ins from the 2408 I assign to each track.

Is this the case? If it is, then I purchased the wrong software.

I do have Sonar 2 XL and noticed it does allow me to select which Digital ins and assign them to what track.


PipelineAudio wrote on 5/27/2002, 4:42 PM
make sure the audio device in options isnt selecting microsoft sound mapper
Ive done 40 tracks at once with a motu 2408 (VERY bad drivers and support) and soundscape mixtreme at once.
brokenrecords wrote on 5/27/2002, 9:04 PM
hmm, i thought i tried to select the record ins and only saw left/right/stereo. I'll check again.
markw_01 wrote on 5/27/2002, 9:57 PM
You can record 24 tracks. Check your preferences... Make sure the MOTU piece is recognized as an option. I think the sound mapper advice is right on too.

PipelineAudio wrote on 5/28/2002, 1:23 AM
sorry for not being specific...youll see it under options/audio, not just by pressing the record button.

also check the motu !@@## console thingy....I forget the settings, but there is one that is VERY important for vegas, I think it is mentioned in the knowledge base.

If youre still stuck, Ill fire up the old POS that had the motu in it
Geoff_Wood wrote on 5/28/2002, 6:39 AM
Make sure the option for MME compatible legacy (non WDM) software is checked on the MOTU console. Set <Enable Routing>, and <Mono Routing> unless you want every 2 tascam channels as a stereo track. Also set all the outputs to 'none' to reduce bus bandwidth to a minimum. Hook up word clock with the MOTU as master, and set < Clock Source > to PCI324 internal. Of course the DAs' clocks must be set to external.

Other than that, it's just a matter of your PC having the legs to shift all that data at once.

Good luck, let us know how you got on ! - Geoff