Subject:With SF6, should I not be able to ......
Posted by: Weka
Date:5/12/2002 1:59:35 PM
(excuse the terminology), perform a series of edits (non destructively) save as such, and then return to the file at a later date to continue work on these files - in their un-rendered state. I guess I mean *save* without *rendering*. Or am I set up wrongly or missing something - or expecting too much. Love the chainer though! Thanks for any light shed. Weka |
Subject:RE: With SF6, should I not be able to ......
Reply by: beetlefan
Date:5/13/2002 5:06:12 AM
Are you actually hitting "save" BEFORE you close the files? Simply hitting "close" does not automatically save the changes. The reason? When you open a file in SF 6.0, it creates a temporary file for you to work on by copying the original file and does not actually alter the original until you save it. Until you save your work, your original file is safe and sound resting on your hard drive. Are you using the demo version? It may disable the "save" function until you register it. Assuming you have registered SF 6.0, what format are you saving to? What format are you working with? |
Subject:RE: With SF6, should I not be able to ......
Reply by: CDM
Date:5/13/2002 9:34:01 AM
You are right - as soon as you save, it does commit the changes to the file and you lose your undo info. There is no "save editlist" feature. It's not like Vegas in that way. The non-destructive part is while you perform edits - faster, etc. |
Subject:RE: With SF6, should I not be able to ......
Reply by: VU-1
Date:5/13/2002 1:24:54 PM
>>You are right - as soon as you save, it does commit the changes to the file and you lose your undo info. There is no "save editlist" feature. It's not like Vegas in that way. The non-destructive part is while you perform edits - faster, etc.<< Correct. Hence, the beauty of Vegas......give it a shot instead. JL OTR |
Subject:RE: With SF6, should I not be able to ......
Reply by: Weka
Date:5/13/2002 1:33:32 PM
Hmm. I guess I was expecting a Sonar-like non-destructive methodology. Never mind. (I've not been able to get at the manual until today. It's now dl-able as a ziped pdf to reged users.) Thanks for your help all. Weka |
Subject:RE: With SF6, should I not be able to ......
Reply by: doctorfish
Date:5/13/2002 11:45:50 PM
What I do is make a backup of the original before editing. Then after I edit a file named, say, "Voice" I will save it as something like "Voice 2" so I still have the original for comparison. It takes up drive space, but CD R's are so cheap these days that once you're finished, you can save the original and a number of edits without going broke. Happy editing to you. Dave |