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Subject:SF6 File Save As
Posted by: smithbo
Date:5/10/2002 7:25:08 AM

In SF5 and previous, a Save As operation simply moved the temporary file to the location and name of the new file to be saved, happening instantaneously if you were saving to the same hard drive partition. This was something I relied on heavily, since I use Sound Forge to capture live audio in 1.5 to 4 hour files.

In SF6, with the Perform temp file location set to my standard audio files partition, Save As now proceeds through the long Saving File procedure, which takes the amount of time it takes to copy the file to a new location.

Is it no longer possible Save As by moving? Does this mean I am doubling the amount of required disk space for a file save (1x for the temp file, and 1x for the new file)?

Or am I missing something (I hope)?


Subject:RE: SF6 File Save As
Reply by: smithbo
Date:5/10/2002 7:37:15 AM

I just compared differences--Seems like SF6 installation defaulted to "Multiple Takes Create Regions" which is creating multiple temp files when the recording is stopped and restarted. Perhaps the "Multiple Takes No Regions" will fix this problem. I'll know as soon as my current recording finishes and I can use the machine to test again.


Subject:RE: SF6 File Save As
Reply by: smithbo
Date:5/10/2002 8:18:39 AM

Results of test--No, it seems that the new "non-destructive editing" feature of SF6 means that all temp files are stored as a "workspace" and must be reassembled at save time, even if there were no edits or even multiple takes. As far as I can see, the quick "Save As" is history. As is (if this is true) SF6 on my computer.


Subject:RE: SF6 File Save As
Reply by: CDM
Date:5/10/2002 11:52:22 AM

yeah, unfortunately, multiple takes results in multiple temp files and will result in an "assembly" of the takes into a new file. If you don't stop recording, however, the save occurs instantly, the way you're looking for it.

I've brought this to their attention and they are going to see if it's possible (without creating other problems) to have temp files with multiple record not go into separate files. The I think it uses the same process as when you choose to create new files with each take. It just does it in the background.

Subject:RE: SF6 File Save As
Reply by: smithbo
Date:5/10/2002 12:19:43 PM

Thanks Charles--

Your analysis makes sense.

Since I can't avoid stopping and starting the live material recordings, and there's no sufficient offsetting benefit for me to tolerate the additional time and 2x disk space requirements, I'll monitor for new developments while I continue to use my re-installed SF5.

'Preciate the help.


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