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Subject:SF6 Beta 2 opinions
Posted by: Rednroll
Date:5/1/2002 10:40:30 AM

Does anybody else dislike, that you have to have the plugins poped up on your screen to be able to use the "Play and Bi-pass plugins" buttons. I would prefer to have my plugins out of the way of my waveforms, and not taking up all my valuable screen space, and still be able to use the bi-pass plugins play option. When you open up the plugin chainer it already gives you a play and bi-pass play button on the chainer, so why would I need them on the tranport/shuttle control on my waveform display? Like I previously mentioned, I would like to have the option to close the chainer window, and then be able to show my clients an A/B comparison, of having a plugin inserted and not. This option goes away, immediately once you close the insert/chainer window on the shuttle transport below the waveform.

Also, once you install Sound Forge beta 6.0, all of your previous SF 5.0 plugins become unregistered making them useless, but they still exist and you are forced to use the SF (beta) plugins. Thus, I can't use the older versions in SF 4.5 and 5.0.

Thanks for letting me dock on the top of windows BTW.

Subject:RE: SF6 Beta 2 opinions
Reply by: CDM
Date:5/1/2002 11:33:21 AM

Brian -
I agree 100% with you. I would love to have the play chainer button available from the data window as well as the bypass (although that could be done by toggling between normal play and chainer play).

Subject:RE: SF6 Beta 2 opinions
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:5/1/2002 4:51:21 PM

The content of this message was deleted by the owner.

Subject:RE: SF6 Beta 2 opinions
Reply by: rraud
Date:5/1/2002 7:58:36 PM

I'm with you guys on the plug-in chainer.
My pre SF-6 plug-ins work normally. I'm running the 2cd SF-6 beta release if that has anything to do with it.
Did anyone notice that when you double-click a newly created region it jumps right to the end of it, and occationally the waveform just disapears all together. Hopfully these are just bugs they will work out.

Subject:RE: SF6 Beta 2 opinions
Reply by: Art5
Date:5/2/2002 11:16:51 AM

Since I installed SF 6 Beta my acoustic mirror has become unregistered in V5. What is the fix for this
short of reinstalling V5?

Subject:RE: SF6 Beta 2 opinions
Reply by: bluebus
Date:5/3/2002 9:45:45 AM

>>><Since I installed SF 6 Beta my acoustic mirror has become unregistered in V5. What is the fix for this
short of reinstalling V5?>

You can try deleting the files sfhammer.dll and sfmirror.dll, next run the SF5 installer and choose repair.

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