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Subject:so far, bad experiences with sf6.0
Posted by: jbrooks
Date:4/23/2002 12:38:58 PM

OK, so I gave it a test drive, it seems to be very buggy. some wierd things:

when I copy and paste to a new file, the new file data is 'invisible' until I zoom in/out

when I double click a selection, it automatically jumps to the end of the selection (Which is a pain when I'm zommed 1:1 on a 3 hour file)

data becomes invisible at certain zoom rates

and worst of all, it is DROPPING SAMPLES!

I took two wav's, 2 hours 38 minutes each, same music transferred twice from DAT, and tried to invert it over itself to check the integrity of the transfer. SF 5.0 inverted perfectly, SF6.0 gave very strange result. The waveform was visible from 0 to 25 minutes, then -inf db as expected from 25 up to ~2 hours, then was visible again. This is a classic example of dropped sample in the data stream. This is unaccceptable for audio work! I'm very surprised that sonic foundry let this out as a beta, is obviously very early beta.

Subject:RE: so far, bad experiences with sf6.0
Reply by: Ted_H
Date:4/23/2002 12:53:53 PM

Please make sure to report your findings to


Subject:RE: so far, bad experiences with sf6.0
Reply by: SHTUNOT
Date:4/23/2002 1:35:05 PM

What type of system are you running? Sofo r&d will have a quicker/easier time in reproducing what happened to you when you list your components to your system. [operating system,cpu,ram,dx8.1?,etc...] I've just sent in another report with all the above mentioned also.

Subject:RE: so far, bad experiences with sf6.0
Reply by: jbrooks
Date:4/23/2002 4:20:23 PM

win2k, amd duron, 512K, dx8.1

SF5, vegas, and all other apps run perfectly

Subject:RE: so far, bad experiences with sf6.0
Reply by: jbrooks
Date:4/23/2002 4:24:09 PM

win2k, amd duron, 512K, dx8.1

SF5, vegas, and all other apps run perfectly

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