3D compositing - track motion questions

24Peter wrote on 6/4/2014, 12:12 PM
1 - I don't see an option for a shadow or glow when using 3D source alpha. Is there an easy way to create a drop shadow for my event in 3D space?
2 - saving presets - in order to create a drop shadow for my 3D composite, my idea was to create two events on two tracks - top track is my event, the lower track is a solid black event. I want them to follow [I]almost[/I] identical track motion (lower one would be slightly off to one side to create "shadow"). In any event, I am trying to create a preset for the track motion on the top track and apply that to the lower track, but it is only saving the first keyframe and not subsequent ones, even though all are selected when creating the preset. Ideas?

EDIT: I guess I am asking how to repeat/copy track motion from one track to another.
EDIT, EDIT: I see I can copy & paste keyframes but there is the issue of lining them up relative to the event duration...


TheHappyFriar wrote on 6/4/2014, 8:15 PM
I copy track keyframes from one track and paste them in another. Using the timeline sync button makes it pretty easy. Try that. In fact, I did almost exactly what you're talking about last week.

EDIT: if one track is setup exactly how you want you can also duplicate the track, then the key frames are all set.
NormanPCN wrote on 6/4/2014, 8:18 PM
Is there an easy way to create a drop shadow for my event in 3D space?

If you have Vegas 12 and later you might have a look at the, Layer Dimensionality video effect.
24Peter wrote on 6/5/2014, 3:42 PM
Thanks Happy Friar.

Norman - the Layer Dimensionality effect will not extend the effect beyond the borders of the event. So the glow and shadow effects only seem to work on the "inner" settings - not "edge" or "outer".

Any other ideas on how to create a drop shadow on a 3d composite?
Rory Cooper wrote on 6/6/2014, 3:48 AM
There are a few ways to do this.

1. nest the veg file = save . open a new veg import that veg on a 2d track and select shadows. Down side any changes back and forth and save.

2. parent the 3D composite into a 2D track and select the shadow.
Rory Cooper wrote on 6/6/2014, 4:01 AM
This is how i handle the issue.
you have the whole 3D composite complete with your backing track in one 3D parent container then duplicate the whole composite and delete all the other tracks except the back then the parent this in a 2D container select shadows .. in the original comp just delete the back and so then all your keys are in position and no fiddle diddle and everything is on one comp.

For example in this clip I have the shadows from the images and the back all moving together but did the above and no hassles.

I need to have a look at the new layer comp in Vegas 13
NormanPCN wrote on 6/6/2014, 11:23 AM
Norman - the Layer Dimensionality effect will not extend the effect beyond the borders of the event. So the glow and shadow effects only seem to work on the "inner" settings - not "edge" or "outer".

Yes, of course. The effect is 2D, therefore, you need to use crop to reduce the size of your image to make room for the drop shadow and/or glow.

Here is a screen shot example. I put a drop shadow and a glow on the left frame using layer dimensionality. I am showing the crop pane on the left.
24Peter wrote on 6/6/2014, 3:15 PM
Thanks Rory and thanks Norman for the clarification. Will give both a try.