weird render issue - meta data

JHendrix2 wrote on 2/7/2014, 6:53 PM
I am doing my normal workflow on my tried and true system going from Vegas to Handbrake. When I open my full rez renders in QT I see no extra metadata. I then take the same clip, run it through handbrake . And the mp4 has - all the i Summery info from the Vegas properties pane (all the notes I typed in there over the course of the project). I am using handbrake on the mac and after that I use "meta z" to put my meta data in. I thought maybe running it through meta z would strip the data I dont want but it did not.

I have rendered on this machine and handbraked on the same mac machine never seen this before. how to get rid of the meta data that appears after handbrake but coming from Vegas (hopefully without re-rendering tons of clips from Vegas!)


JHendrix2 wrote on 2/7/2014, 8:06 PM
here is what it looks like in qt:
musicvid10 wrote on 2/7/2014, 8:56 PM
If you're good with a hex editor, you can edit the file headers any way you want. User metadata is not the same thing. Handbrake (x264) adds a lot of information for analysis and debugging. I use that information quite a lot. If you think it's adding size, it's not even close to being important.
JHendrix2 wrote on 2/7/2014, 9:16 PM
i just noticed i can delete the vegas Summery text using iTunes. But that does not solve the issue. having to do that for many movies is alot of extra work. did not happen before. since when did vegas comments turn into meta data? i dont have include meta on in my renders from vegas
JHendrix2 wrote on 2/8/2014, 7:57 AM
ok this is confirmed as a new feature of hb

the workaround for the stated issue is to either re-render from nle with no "comments" . in the case of vegas that is called "summery" in the properties panel (who knew). or as i have done in this project ...

after hb encode > open in iTunes > get info > delete Comments (helps to uncheck Import Movie in iTunes prefs) > remove from itunes (dont need to save or render anything) > now use meta z to put whatever meta data you want