
Steve Grisetti wrote on 1/2/2014, 11:01 AM
You're getting way too close to Absolute Zero for me, Rob!
rs170a wrote on 1/2/2014, 11:02 AM
You were also colder than the north pole so you have my sympathies.
My home town of Windsor Ontario Canada is practically balmy at only -10 C. ( -20C./-4F. with the windchill)

FPP wrote on 1/2/2014, 11:22 AM
I have to believe that a person has to be accustomed to those type of temps in order to tolerate one day of it.
I would probably shake out of my skin.
One question though.. Is the food diet up there consisting of more fatty proteins?
Rob Franks wrote on 1/2/2014, 11:58 AM
"One question though.. Is the food diet up there consisting of more fatty proteins? "

Same as the rest of North America. I'm about to make a run to Burger King as a matter of fact. :)

Yes... you get kind of accustomed to it. I'm personally never really bothered by the temps too much. It's everything else around you that becomes difficult to operate which makes life a head ache. Something as simple as turning the (frozen) lock on your door becomes a chore... and of course fuel mileage goes right into the toilet with all the warm up time thrown in.
Rob Franks wrote on 1/2/2014, 12:01 PM
"My home town of Windsor Ontario Canada is practically balmy at only -10 C. ( -20C./-4F. with the windchill)"

Wow! I stop hot tubbing at -10 (the ice build up starts becoming a problem).
drmathprog wrote on 1/2/2014, 12:30 PM
""One question though.. Is the food diet up there consisting of more fatty proteins? "

Same as the rest of North America. I'm about to make a run to Burger King as a matter of fact. :)"

i.e., Yes. ;-)
ushere wrote on 1/2/2014, 4:31 PM
today's forecast is 36c. at least it's a dry 36c as opposed to a sydney 36 which has an uncomfortable humidity factor that just wilts one.

that wasn't to make you feel bad - at least in cold weather you can take various actions to warm up, ok, some cost money like heating, but wearing a few layers of clothes doesn't (though it might impede movement ;-)). i know this cause in our winter we go down to -9c at night.

but you can only strip down to bare skin in the heat, and any other cooling IS going to cost you dearly....

stay warm over there, huddle round your cpu or gpu, and have a great new year....
Geoff_Wood wrote on 1/2/2014, 4:55 PM
"Something as simple as turning the (frozen) lock on your door becomes a chore"

Isn't the trick to pee on it ? You'd want to be quick !


PS Never got anywhere near that cold the season I spent in Antarctica...
TheHappyFriar wrote on 1/2/2014, 6:39 PM
Real videographers don't count wind chill. that's for sissies. 8)

Currently 5f here. Last night I made icecream with the snow outside and ice melter. Take 5 compacted gallons of snow to make 4 quarts of icecream! :)
Geoff_Wood wrote on 1/2/2014, 7:37 PM
"Take 5 compacted gallons of snow to make 4 quarts of icecream! :)"

We use milk here ....

rs170a wrote on 1/2/2014, 7:44 PM
Heard at the New Year's Day 2014 Bridgestone NHL Winter Classic (Toronto Maple Leafs vs. Detroit Red Wings NHL hockey teams in case you don't follow the sport).
‘We’re Canadians; this isn’t cold’

Rob Franks wrote on 1/2/2014, 8:37 PM
"Real videographers don't count wind chill. that's for sissies. 8)"

I fell off my chair laughing when I read this! Hilarious!