
Grazie wrote on 12/2/2013, 12:22 AM
Just read your System Specification, you have posted: "Windows Version: [i]Other[/I]".

What operating system are you running?


VidMus wrote on 12/2/2013, 2:54 AM
@ Grazie

You missed the last line.

"Add. Comments: Windows 8 Pro 64 Bit"

I almost made the same reply but I caught it just before I did.

Grazie wrote on 12/2/2013, 3:18 AM
Douh!.... Thanks.

dxdy wrote on 12/2/2013, 6:07 AM
With 770 I get an occasional freeze, and an occasional "stopped working" crash. Sometimes after closing a project and shutting Vegas down, I get the stopped working crash.

Seriously considering going back.

Edit: This was with Nvidia 314.22. I am going to move up to 331.65, which I was using before.
astar wrote on 12/2/2013, 3:20 PM
Are you sure Vegas is the problem? I run build 770 on Win8-64 and AMD, and have no leak problem. Maybe its a plugin or something else?
ChrisDolan (SCS) wrote on 12/2/2013, 5:09 PM
In another forum thread, a very knowledgable user posted this wiki link which has a number of possible explanations:
Paul Fierlinger wrote on 12/3/2013, 7:01 AM
Vegas gets constantly stuck in this latest version -- I have never experienced anything like it. I've been experiencing all sorts of incidences from small hesitations to major stoppage, when everything stops in its tracks and I have nothing left to do but close Vegas. Right now, it seems that I will have to force a total shutdown because Vegas couldn't find my original clip and needed me to point to where it had been moved, a normal occurrence, but even Task Manager couldn't make Vegas close. I have one other software running, which now can't shutdown properly either. I'm giving up and going two versions back --
dxdy wrote on 12/3/2013, 11:52 AM
After updating Nvidia driver to 331.65, a little more stability when editing. However, MC MP4 encoder crashes on long (1 hour timeline) just before the end. (AVCHD from Canon and Panasonic on timeline).

The good news - I just finshed a 3 hour long session with a good customer looking over my shoulder at the preview screen, 90 minute-long timeline. With GTX 660ti, running 29.97 fps at Best Full. Very happy. (And the customer was happy too).
VidMus wrote on 12/3/2013, 2:47 PM
@ Paul Fierlinger

"Add. Comments: 2D animator/Wacom tablet+TVPaint Clips:AVI 720p MJPEG uncompressed "

There were reports from others who had problems with the Wacom tablet. That may be the cause of your problem(s).

Paul Fierlinger wrote on 12/3/2013, 7:24 PM
I don't quite understand... my use of the Wacom tablet in Vegas is minimal and very basic, but it is a major tool of mine in TVP. Are you saying that just having a Wacom tablet installed in my computer can be the cause of my Vegas troubles? This might be quite plausible since at the same time I have been enduring some serious Wacom issues with their latest driver update and went back by 2 or 3 upgrades as I did with Vegas -- now both behave well.
rmack350 wrote on 12/3/2013, 7:39 PM
Once upon a time and quite a while back, Vegas had a problem with Wacom tablets. It may have been VP 10, or VP 11. You could search the forum to find it. My understanding was that this has been fixed for a while, but I suppose it's possible that the problem was reintroduced by either a Vegas update or a Wacom driver update.

Or, the Wacom idea could be a wild goose chase. Or the problem you're having could be similar to but not the same as that issue.

There were two solutions. One was to completely remove your Wacom drivers and software. It wasn't enough to just unplug your tablet. The other possible solution was to run Vegas in Compatibility Mode. In that case it was enough to just run it in Windows 7 compatibility mode, even if you were using Windows 7.

So, not saying this has anything to do with a Wacom driver, but the compatibility mode kludge would be informative if it solves your problem.

Paul Fierlinger wrote on 12/3/2013, 8:26 PM
Thanks for the clarification, Rob.
As I wrote, both Wacom and Vegas are serving me well enough for the moment so I'm not going to attempt fixing anything that's not broke right now. Wacom's software is notoriously unstable and poorly designed; has never worked well from the very beginning, especially for a top notch hardware product running without serious competition from any quarters of the world. With that kind of money it's fare to expect better from them, but this is a Vegas platform so I'm not going any further with this.
rmack350 wrote on 12/4/2013, 2:01 PM
The Wacom thing is probably a red herring.

I haven't used 770 much but on my home machine I noticed some performance weirdness. Quicktime DVCProHD files on the timeline and a lot of dot dot dot on the playback speed readout, which is not normal and a sign of trouble. I think there's some sort of unnecessary work being done in the background.

Setting Vegas to run in a compatibility mode is trivial and easily undone, but it's also shooting in the dark. Uninstalling your Wacom drivers are slightly more of a hassle. The gist of that problem was that it didn't matter if you were using the tablet, the presence of the driver was the offender.

Greenlaw wrote on 12/5/2013, 12:14 PM
i just updated to 770 and immediately noticed that it no longer sees the handful of .mp4 or .mov files in my current project. Says these files are unsupported formats. The files were perfectly valid in the previous build though. Ugh! :(

Adam QA SCS wrote on 12/5/2013, 12:23 PM

What version did you have before you updated to 770? I want to see if I can repro this.


Greenlaw wrote on 12/5/2013, 1:34 PM
I regressed to build 726 (the previous version I had installed) and now .mov and .mp4 files are okay again. Looks like 770 is bugged for these files.

Thanks Adam for looking into this issue. Will wait till the next build before updating.

Adam QA SCS wrote on 12/5/2013, 4:12 PM

I was not able to repro this. Are there any more details you can give me so that I can successfully repro?

Is anyone else able to repro this?


Former user wrote on 12/5/2013, 6:30 PM
I had additional instability when my Wacom tablet was connected when using Vegas. Since I use a mouse with Vegas, I just got in the habit of disconnecting the tablet when editing (since I didn't use it all that much).

Wacom drivers were incredibly weird and were updated so frequently that I finally just stopped using it (weird behaviors in photoshop etc). It's been a couple of years. I should revisit it...maybe.
Greenlaw wrote on 12/5/2013, 7:16 PM
Okay, thanks for checking.

I'll try updating to 770 again afterI get home this evening. Since I did a clean re-install of 726 this morning maybe it'll be okay this time.

I'll post again with a followup.

Greenlaw wrote on 12/6/2013, 10:51 AM
Hi, I'm back.

I ran the 770 updater on my workstation at home--.movs and .mp4 files seem to be fine there. This is a different computer from what I updated yesterday, and it's the machine I normally use for editing.

The other computer is a tablet PC. I'll try running the updater on the tablet again today and see if the problem still exists there. If it does, maybe I'll try removing Vegas completely and installing 770 from scratch.

Additional info: both computers are running under Windows 7 Pro x64, but the workstation is an i7 quad core Intel with an nvidia Geforce GTX 460 and the tablet PC is a dual core with an ATI card.

I'll post again later today with followup info.

Greenlaw wrote on 12/6/2013, 2:20 PM
I updated Vegas on my tablet PC to 770 again and this time .mov and .mp4 files are fine in it. My guess is that my previous install of 726 must have gotten corrupted.

Thanks for your help. All is good here now, at least as far as .mov and .mp4 files go. :)

BTW, sorry to get a little OT but one thing that's still broken here (on both computers) is the Refresh button in the Explorer window in Vegas. If a new clip or artwork is created in the directory, it never appears in the Vegas Explorer window even after Refresh is clicked. The new file or files will only appear in the Explorer window after I quit and restart Vegas. Refresh has been broken here for several builds. I was wondering if anybody else is seeing this problem or is this happening only on my computers?

Kimberly wrote on 12/6/2013, 7:11 PM
one thing that's still broken here (on both computers) is the Refresh button in the Explorer window in Vegas. If a new clip or artwork is created in the directory, it never appears in the Vegas Explorer window even after Refresh is clicked. The new file or files will only appear in the Explorer window after I quit and restart Vegas. Refresh has been broken here for several builds. I was wondering if anybody else seeing this problem or is this happening only on my computers?

Yep me too. But every time I'm annoyed by it I keep forgetting to report it. I was on an older VP 12 build for about 6 months. Now I'm on Build 714 and it's still broken. Thanks for reminding me!


VidMus wrote on 12/7/2013, 12:40 PM
" one thing that's still broken here (on both computers) is the Refresh button in the Explorer window in Vegas..."

I do not have this problem. I am using build 714.
Greenlaw wrote on 12/8/2013, 5:59 AM
Yes, it is pretty annoying. The same goes for deleting a file, either from within Vegas or Windows--the deleted file never seems to leaves the Vegas Explorer window, or at least the 'ghost' of the file. I'm also finding that if I try to do anything with the 'ghost' file, like delete it again, Vegas will very likely crash.

Because of this, I stopped using the Vegas Explorer entirely--now I keep regular Windows Explorer window open all the time. I would prefer to use the Vegas version though--when it was working correctly, it was more convenient.

One final annoyance I have had since version 10 is a random crash on quit. The issue doesn't appear to be destructive but it happens frequently enough that half the time I don't bother to report anymore. I think the problem has improved a little with the release of version 12 but it still happens about half the time I use Vegas. I don't think it's a local issue (like the .mov/.mp4 problem described above,) because it occurs on two different computer systems for me and has continued across the last three whole number upgrades of Vegas.

I used to think the crash was codec issue but I ran a few tests several weeks ago using only basic native codecs, and still got an occasional 'crash on quit' error. I report most of these on the automated system but I've never been able to isolate the cause myself.

Is there an official place where I can report these things? Or is this public forum it? Just wondering.
