MP4 options disabled in Sony AVC/MVC render

smhontz wrote on 10/20/2013, 12:48 PM
I am running Vegas 12, build 726. I was watching this tutorial on compression settings for Vimeo, using Vegas 11 ( I figured the same settings should be available on Vegas 12.

They suggest customizing the Sony AVC/MVC "Blu-ray 1920x1080 -24p, 10Mbps video stream" template. They show going to the System tab, and changing the Format to "MP4", and then going to the Audio tab, checking "Include audio" and setting properties there. However, all of these options are grayed out in my template.

I can't get these options to enable no matter what template I pick. Is there something broken in my install?


john_dennis wrote on 10/20/2013, 12:56 PM
Use the Sony Tablet 1080p template to start. See if you can change the settings that you want to change.
musicvid10 wrote on 10/20/2013, 1:04 PM
In addition to John Dennis' suggestion above, there should be an "Internet" template in the Mainconcept encoder, and it works great according to other users.

Otherwise, something like this also works very well:

Edo wrote on 9/1/2014, 6:43 AM
The problem is still there. This is not right - I was indeed wondering why Vimeo has video compression tutorials with a walkthrough for Vegas 9, 10 and 11, but not 12. I assumed Vimeo didn't need a special version for Vegas 12 because nothing much changed compared to Vegas 11 but - is the real reason that Vegas 12, a leading video editing application, had a new bug in the compression settings affecting its Vimeo compatibility? I hope I'm wrong.