Is there a way to get list of Trimmer Markers?

smhontz wrote on 7/10/2013, 3:00 PM
I like that I can open a clip in the trimmer and add markers there, and then these markers go wherever I place the clip on the timeline.

Is there a way to get a list of all the trimmer markers? When I use markers in the timeline, I can open Edit Details - Markers and get a grid that I can copy/paste to another program so I can print it.


videoITguy wrote on 7/10/2013, 3:11 PM
Copy grids to Excel Spreadsheets for compilation doc. Have You checked TimeLine Tools as your goto extension inside Vegas - from ......??
rmack350 wrote on 7/10/2013, 5:41 PM
I don't think clip level markers show up in edit details so VIT's first idea is a no-go, but maybe there's something in Timeline Tools...

Gary James wrote on 7/10/2013, 8:32 PM
Timeline Tools will let you export selected markers / regions to a text file in either frame number or timecode format. Currently the markers are exported line at a time to the text file. This was designed to be compatible with DVD authoring software that can input marker positions to generate chapter marks for a DVD.
altarvic wrote on 7/10/2013, 11:15 PM
You can promote media markers using the script in the Tools > Scripting menu.
Then, use Edit Details window.