What have I done?

Randy Brown wrote on 4/15/2013, 3:33 PM
I must have hit some kind of keyboard shortcut and I'm not even sure what this is (the red line and the track that's not a track) but would appreciate if someone could tell me a keyword to search to find out and/or how to get rid of https://www.dropbox.com/s/r2922z4qk29je3b/split%20screen.JPG


dlion wrote on 4/15/2013, 3:39 PM
its a feature, not a bug, but i've no idea what it is, sorry.
ForumAdmin wrote on 4/15/2013, 3:49 PM
You are in Expanded Edit Mode. You enter Expanded Edit Mode by double-clicking on an edit. Hit Esc (or double-click on the edit again) to exit and return to your previous window layout.

redpaw wrote on 4/15/2013, 3:56 PM
i think you switched into A/B roll... double-click on the red edge and it should bring you back to 'normal' mode. or right click on the left side when the track's details are and uncheck 'expand track layers'
Randy Brown wrote on 4/15/2013, 5:00 PM
Thanks very much guys, I remember reading about it in new features but couldn't remember what the heck it was or how I got there...but now I do!!!
Thanks again,