Ninja Kitties - "Stop Motion" Effect - How Done?

Soniclight wrote on 3/14/2013, 1:23 PM
Not sure "stop motion" is the right term, but recently Laurence put up a video as -- OT: The funniest short I've seen all morning by a couple of guys that included another one of theirs, "Kitties Droppin' Beats" linked below. Similar kind of real-time to "suspended in the air" slo-mo often used in martial arts and other fight scenes these days.

Seems to me that unless one has a really high fps camera, I don't see how this can be done on a consumer level (i.e. a camcorder that only goes up to 60i or 30/24p). Slo-mo in post would just bring out the interlaced jaggies and look like crapiola.

So is this kind of thing or a decent facimile even possible for the average Joe, so to speak -- and if so, how? I know, probably not the most original question to ask, but I'm still mystified. Thanks.

~ Philip

Kitties Droppin' Beats[/link]


Grazie wrote on 3/14/2013, 1:29 PM
I'm getting some great outcomes from TWIXTOR.

It's quite remarkable and KF-enabled.

If somebody has some Kr-razy Kittie footage I'd have a go?

Regarding the video, I'd have liked to have seen some more time spent on syncing the music to the action.

wwjd wrote on 3/14/2013, 1:33 PM
TWIXTOR could probably do that.
DSLR can shoot 60p, not 60i, and probably get close to that slowed down.
Speed changed can be automated on the track
or you can split the clip and slow it down
ddm wrote on 3/14/2013, 2:25 PM
Best use of slomo ever. Loved it.
farss wrote on 3/14/2013, 3:19 PM
Yes, great video, watched it and the one that shows how they got the kittens to perform several times.

None of that is very high speed. There's little in the natural world that needs more than 500fps outside of scientific study. At 500fps 1 second of realtime is going to become 20 seconds, it can get boring very quickly.

High speed cameras are not that expensive today, the FS700 shoots 120fps at 1920x1080. Combine that with a fast prime and you're pretty much there.

If that's too rich as Grazie said Twixtor in Vegas or GenArts Speedo which is seemingly still available as a free beta or AE's time remaping should satisfy the creative need. Keep in mind you probably still need to shoot with a fast shutter speed and in progressive. Of course shooting with the fastest fps to start with also helps minimise the risk of something going awry in post and plenty of cheap cameras today can do 60p.

Soniclight wrote on 3/14/2013, 3:37 PM
Thanks for all your responses. I just applied for the GenArts Speedo Beta, should get download link email soon. As far as your other suggestions, I'm a pauper so all the progs and especially the Sony FS700 et al are way out of my wallet range. In terms of hardware, my old and only camcorder, Canon HV30 only goes up to 30p -- and I'm not sure that's even true progressive. I might just be up a creek on this one...
farss wrote on 3/14/2013, 3:43 PM
GoPro Hero 3 it is for you then, it'll shoot 720p120.
You are stuck with that very wide lens though.

rs170a wrote on 3/14/2013, 4:21 PM
Yes, great video, watched it and the one that shows how they got the kittens to perform several times.

Bob, do you have a link for the "making of" video? I searched YT and couldn't find it.

farss wrote on 3/14/2013, 4:45 PM
Not so much a "making of" as "bonus footage"

Still it's instructional to see which shots are used and how they're used in the main video.

For those who haven't watched the making of the Google Eyes video, this team does have some serious post firepower. Way more work is put into their productions than I'd fancy doing.


rs170a wrote on 3/14/2013, 5:35 PM
Thanks Bob.
You're right about those guys. I watched a few of their videos and all I can say is WOW!! That is a bunch of seriously talented folks.

dalemccl wrote on 3/14/2013, 7:32 PM
Soniclight, did you have any luck with the Speedo plug-in you mentioned above?

I downloaded the beta. A serial number for OFX hosts was provided on the download page. When I tried to use it, a message appeared that said the serial number has expired. Guess the page must not have been updated in a while.

even without the serial number, it still shows up in the FX list and I was able to apply it to an event. A message appeared that said it expires 3 weeks from now, so I guess it is usable after all.
Soniclight wrote on 3/14/2013, 11:48 PM

Thanks for info, and no, I have not yet installed it though got the SN as you did. Good you told me about this limited-use thing so that if it's time-used 3 weeks rather than calendar-locked, I should only install it when I actually plan to use it.
Soniclight wrote on 3/15/2013, 12:45 AM

"GoPro Hero 3 it is for you then, it'll shoot 720p120.

The Black edition was very intriguing and I liked the low light tests, the "stop motion", etc. But as you noted, it's got the fish-eye/wide angle distortion - great for extreme sports and high action outdoors stuff. But it won't work for my kind of stuff. I wonder if there are ways to change lens or correct it in-camera -- may have to do some further research.

I do have a Photoshop plugin for stills that can do this kind of correction and/but even if one could do it in or through Vegas, it's still messing with the resolution of the footage to a certain level so not the ideal way to go.
Soniclight wrote on 3/15/2013, 12:49 AM
PS: Well, according to the CNET review, it doesn't look like the Hero3 Black Edition's fish-eye can be eliminated...

Serena wrote on 3/15/2013, 1:26 AM
Actually I came across a video showing a Black Edition modified for a C-mount lens. A rental house, I think. So there is the lead for saving money; DIY. I'll see if I can find the link.

EDIT: this is related:[/link]
farss wrote on 3/15/2013, 2:52 AM
Yes, the Novo sure looks interesting however it appears you can only rent one.

TheDingo wrote on 3/15/2013, 12:46 PM
The Panasonic LX-7 pocket camera can shoot video at 720 120p, which is actually quite good for a compact little camera, and you have a fast 24-90mm equivalent f/1.4 - 2.3 Leica lens to work with too!