Newbie needs pointed in direction

BuddyB wrote on 2/12/2013, 12:03 PM
I have a project I need to attack, really before I fully know what I'm doing. It will be a simple edit, cutting, controlling volume, adding audio. This is Vegas Movie Studio 10 HD and I'm a bit over my head. The first thing I need to do is edit the video, cutting certain parts. I think volume control is obvious.

I just need pointing in a direction that will allow me to understand Splitting and basic time-line editing. Is there a tut that will help more then the Help Menue?


Steve Grisetti wrote on 2/12/2013, 1:28 PM
Why not start with my free 8 part Basic Training tutorials on the left side of this page.
BuddyB wrote on 2/12/2013, 6:57 PM
Nice tutorial. You do good work. I will spend some time there, and will probably give you some support. Thanks.
Steve Grisetti wrote on 2/12/2013, 8:45 PM
Glad we can help get you started, Buddy!
BuddyB wrote on 2/13/2013, 7:54 PM
OK, I'm beginning to function ever so crudely. What I've wound up doing is when I want to cut a section I split it where the bad part ends, then I go to the right side and bring it in until I've covered the problem area. When I'm through the movie and "Make Movie" does that do away with all the chop marks? And I presume if that doesn't totally do you you can go back in and do more editing.

Please forgive my blundersome approach. I'm an old radio guy, production my strong suit, but the learning curve on this is significant. I know what needs being done to achieve the desired effect, but this is a bit challenging for me. I appreciate any assistance. Thanks.