invalid argument

Randy Brown wrote on 12/12/2012, 4:20 PM
I wonder what a valid argument would be...anyway, I couldn't refuse the upgrade price today but whenever I try to render to any of the Sony AVC 1280x720-30p templates I get the error "an error occured while creating the media invalid argument was specified"
Any thoughts?
Thanks very much,


larry-peter wrote on 12/12/2012, 4:28 PM
In other apps I've seen that when you try to render to a pixel dimension that's not divisible by 4, but if you were using an unmodified Sony template, it's would be difficult to tell what it's arguing about. Content perhaps? Just kidding, of course.
malowz wrote on 12/12/2012, 5:26 PM
i believe in the programming world, argument = parameter
Randy Brown wrote on 12/13/2012, 9:08 AM
Thanks guys,
I get this when using the Sony AVC/Internet 1280x720-30p 6 mbps template (unaltered in any way).
I can't imagine what parameter it has a problem with and why it works fine in VP10.
Thanks again,
larry-peter wrote on 12/13/2012, 10:39 AM
When I moved to V 11 there were a few V10 templates that failed until I changed the bitrate to one that was in the drop-down selection for that template. A few templates worked without alteration, but with several I couldn't use the default bitrates. That may be what's happening to you. I could never get an answer for this, and a lot of other users never had the issue.

Randy Brown wrote on 12/13/2012, 11:55 AM
It seems that was my issue too adam12...I made an adjustment changed it back and renamed it and it works fine now...thanks very much!