
bigrock wrote on 11/3/2012, 6:57 PM
SCS needs to put the total and complete brakes on any Mac development until the fixed ALL of the crap in Vegas 12 (and 11). The stability of Vegas is unacceptable.
Jonathan Neal wrote on 11/3/2012, 7:05 PM
Funny you mention it. That's what inspired me to write this, actually. Well, that and SoundForge. See, I just put Vegas 12 on my freshly formatted, updated PC and it crashes before it even starts for the first time. DVD Architect runs fine. I also installed the NewBlue Titler Pro without any trouble. I've owned Vegas 6, 8, 9, 10, and now 12. I can't wait to see 12. I think it will be great. I even downloaded the 394 build.

Of course, everything I've written should really belong in a separate post or support ticket. I'm sure the boys and girls in Madison will have it sorted soon.

Until then ... they can go ahead and let me try their Mac version, whenever they're ready. If it doesn't work, I'm no worse off.
videoITguy wrote on 11/3/2012, 7:23 PM
You are well absolutely nuts - twist your mind around MAC version of SoundForge if your fingers need to DO some walking for a change!
wwjd wrote on 11/4/2012, 12:11 AM
I just installed Vegas 12 on a freshly installed PC and it DIDN'T crash on first launch. Nor all the subsequent launches. Probably the hardware config of your particular system.

I just gotta say, for an editor that seems to run on thousands to unlimited different PC hardware configurations, versus something running on a mac with what like 3 different systems? ...Vegas does really well working in such diverse platforms.
ritsmer wrote on 11/4/2012, 2:02 AM
Vegas for Mac?

Why bother reprogramming all the software to Mac OS?

Here My Vegas Pro 11 runs on a Mac Pro with 2 x Intel Xeons - preview RAM is ON and GPU acceleration for a Nvidia card is ON.
Everything is edited in Full HD 1920 x 1080.
Preview of AVCHD even with (a few) FX's and transitions is smooootthhh.

It runs together with a lot of other software and while editing for hours every day Vegas just works, works and works.

Conclusion: Maybe get a Mac Pro. Squeeze Windows 7 last sp (at least the Pro version) onto it natively (without Parallels or even Bootcamp - and enjoy stable editing for years.

I dunno why the Mac is such a stable platform for Vegas and all other programs too - but when you look at i.e. the laughable costly RAM risers with big cooling finns etc one might get an idea.

Just my 2 cents - but from years of daily experience.
_Lenny_ wrote on 11/4/2012, 2:17 AM
I just want to make sure y'all know I'm ready to beta test Sony Vegas for Mac.

You signed an NDA and you're telling us this? You may not be a beta tester for long!


EDIT: Interesting information, though. My wife would love a Mac, but I have refused to entertain the idea due to the lack of useful applications that I would use. If Vegas is made available for the Mac, then I could have a reason to change (or at least, to install OS X on my PC hardware, and dual boot with Win7).

I look forward to seeing how this pans out... I'd like to think is we pay for one version, we could download the other gratis.
Jonathan Neal wrote on 11/4/2012, 3:10 AM
Enthusiasm and humor (even elementary) are still permitted on this board, no?
videoITguy wrote on 11/4/2012, 4:46 AM
Grazie wrote on 11/4/2012, 4:51 AM
VGuy, this for you: " "Lunatic" is an informal term referring to people who are considered mentally ill, dangerous, foolish or unpredictable; conditions once called lunacy. The term may be considered insulting in serious contexts, though is sometimes used in friendly jest. The word derives from lunaticus meaning "of the moon" or "moonstruck".

Yup, about right. Moonstruck . . nice . . .


ushere wrote on 11/4/2012, 5:23 AM
screw mac - port it to amiga!!!!!!!!!
rs170a wrote on 11/4/2012, 5:46 AM
screw mac - port it to amiga!!!!!!!!!


Jonathan Neal wrote on 11/4/2012, 7:19 PM
Et tu, Grazie?

Anyway, re: the tangent about Vegas not starting, I was able to start it by uninstalling the ATI drivers and Catalyst software, and letting Microsoft handle everything.

Now Grazie just has to get me that NDA.
paul_w wrote on 11/5/2012, 8:07 AM
Im a bit confused by this thread. At what point did anyone say anything about Vegas being released for the Mac? And its highly unlikely to ever happen due to the amount of legacy code like DirectX and VFW to simply be exported to the Mac. It would take a complete ground up re-write. Cant ever see that happening considering the financial constraints SCS are currently under. Besides, get the PC version working properly first i'd say!!!

JJKizak wrote on 11/5/2012, 11:40 AM
OK. What's Amiga?
paul_w wrote on 11/5/2012, 11:47 AM
Get your geek on here: 7MHZ!!!

Chienworks wrote on 11/5/2012, 11:55 AM
Jonathan, i quite agree. I'm a die-hard ATI fan, but i stopped installing any software from ATI over a decade ago. I always use Microsoft's stock drivers for all my ATI cards and have pretty much zero problems and headaches. Installing the manufacturer's drivers is sure to mess up a system badly.

Sad to say, this also goes for pretty much anything from TI, HP, Epson, and a few other companies i've had ... *ahem* ... experiences with. They should all give up their driver development and let Microsoft handle it.